Chapter 1

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"Mom I am so nervous for school"said Stella to her mother Wonderwoman.She and her husband Batman is the best superheroes that ever lived.Now everyone is expecting that Stella must follow in her parents foot steps. Batman walked into the room and said"Stella if the Joker's son comes to you walk away ok" Stella always do what her father tells her to do.When Stella got to the school she was still nervous but not as much anymore."Hi I am Stella Wonder and you are."said Stella "I am Jennifer Super."Jennifer was nothing like her mother Supergirl.Stella had a feeling that she is bad news so she just walked along and bumped into a boy that was really cute he said "Sorry it is my fault I must look where I am going o how rude of me I am Jack Quinn Son of The Joker and Harely Quinn" Stella gapsed "I am Stella Wonder dauhter of Wonderwoman and Batman nice to meet you." Jack was surprised to hear that but he just smiled at her and walked away.Stella could not help it but she smiled back at him."Maybe he is not bad like his parents" she mumeld.
Stella's first period was powers ed.Her gym teacher's name was Mr.Srong.He was the most srongest man in the hole school.Stella was thinking about Jack the hole time."Ms.Wonder" Mr.Stong said.Stella was awoken from her daydream."Yes sir." she said."Did you pay any atencion on what I was saying." Mr.Strong said.Stella replied " Yes sir." "Ok then what sould a new superhereo do when he or she got powers." Stella said."Easy try it out." Mr.Strong yelled "NO You must first learn you're powers and I thought the daughter of Batman would know this." Everyone laughed at Stella she was very embarrassed.When she had launch she said alone at one table."Hey you ok"Stella looked up and saw it was Jack "No Powers Ed was so embarrassing"she replied "What happend in powers ed  that was so embarrasing." Jack said.Stella replied "Umm...I was daydreaming about the future." Stella did't want to tell Jack she was daydreaming about him.After school she went home.Only her Mother was at their hom Batman was fighting The Joker.Stella told her mother about her day but she did not told her about Jack
Jack was at home with his mother " So pamkin how was youre day school." said Harely Quinn.Jack replied"I  met a wonderful girl at school" " And what is her name." "Stella Wonder" said Jack. "NO, you like Batman's daughter." when Jack wanted to answer his father came home."Guess who is back" said the Joker "Mr.J you are so being bad hahaha."said Harely.Jack just sit there."Puddin Jack met a girl and school and guess what her father is Batman." Joker said mad."WHAT.... JACK.....that is wonderful you remember what I told you keep your friends close but your enemies closer." Joker said with a smile."Yeah that is what I am doing." Jack said.He was looking a bit sad.Jack did't want to hurt Stella but if it is the only reason to know Batman's weakness he would do it.
"Baby are you ok" Wonderwoman said to Batman that was sitting on the couch he said " I can't believe I let Joker slipped out of my fingers." Stella walked into the room. She said "Daddy their is something I....What was that.Everyone run out side to see what was making that noise.It was the toymaster in a giant octopus toy and snached Wonderwomen She screamed. "Let her go toymaster." 
Batman yelled. The toymaster was getting away with Wonderwoman."Mom no."Stella said while crying "Come dad we need to find mom now." "No we must get a plan before we save your mother." Batman said mad.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2017 ⏰

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