The basement

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It was Sunday morning and Rose woke up still sleepy. There was no school but she still wasn't happy. Today she has to clean the basement and she knows how dark and scary it is down there. Her mom was at work and her dad was still sleeping. Rose made herself some breakfast, and then went to the basement. She was a little nervous. Rose thinks the basement is cold and gross. She says to herself that when she is done she will do some drawing. Rose wants to draw a picture of a rainbow. Cleaning the basement is hard work. After a long time, she is finally done. Behind one of the boxes she finds a white pencil. Rose thinks, "why not" and brings it to her room. Then she grabs some blue paper and draws a rainbow. Rose is surprised when she looks out her window and she sees a rainbow outside. "That is strange" Rose thinks to herself. "Rainbows come after a storm and there isn't a cloud in the sky". She looks at her blue paper and draws some clouds for her rainbow. Rose looks out the window again and they became real just like in her drawing. Then she tries it with her favorite candy and it turns into a real pink lollipop. Rose was so amazed. Rose is eating her lollipop and looking at the rainbow and clouds outside when she sees a strange looking man in a black suit.

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