Don't Trust Pinterest!

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"Come on, it will be fun!" You urged your boyfriend, Dipper Pines, as you draped your arm over his shoulders.

"Are you sure? We are at the local pool, and the cement near it is really wet, we might slip!" He calculated. Trust in him to be hesitant about adding some spice to life.

"Don't worry man! What is life without a little bit of risk?" You continued pressing.

Ever since you guys began dating you've been trying to persuade the brunette to try new things and be a little dangerous. You really, really liked him, but you just needed him to be more willing to accept danger. Being with cute, awkward, nerdy guys was pretty fun, and you thought it was a nice balance, them persuading you to do homework and you teaching them how to kick back, but Dipper had to be the toughest case yet.

You were just trying to help him understand that life cannot be perfect, unexpected circumstances come up, people unexpectedly pass away, and sever catastrophes happen. You very much believed that if you include more chaos in your life you will be more prepared for the terrible acts that people commit, so of course you would try to help your boyfriend by doing things he never even considered doing in life. It began with you introducing him to small things, like small white lies and innocent pranks, but he still was pretty high strung.

Yet, you had to admit that you loved him for that.

Dipper was silent for a while, "are you sure it will be okay?"

"Yah," you replied.

"Are you really, really sure?" He asked once again.

"Si!" You let your arm fall to your side.

"Are you truly one-hundred per-" you cut him off.

"Yes!" You groaned, "I am more sure than-I don't know-the all seeing eye or whatever!

Dipper jumped a bit at your outburst before chuckling, "Alright, you've convinced me." Dipper bent down a tad. "Come on, before I lose faith in you."

You rolled your eyes with a smile, "haha," you climbed onto Dipper's back and he hoisted you up to gain a tighter grip.

"Why do you want to do this anyway," dipper adjusted his grip once again to prevent his noodle arms from getting too tired.

"I wanna do this because I saw a cute couple on Pinterest do it," you gripped his shoulder.

Dipper sighed, "it's impossible to recreate something from that site."

"Well," you rested your head on his, "were going to be the first couple to do it, we're going to go down in history! Now, go my boyfriend!"

Dipper began to speed walk towards the pool, and he actually believed it was going to be literal couple goals..., then he tripped over a lounge chair. You guys fell into the chlorine water and stared at each other in shock. After it wore off dipper scowled, "this is why we don't trust Pinterest!"

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