The dead world

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Another normal morning I woke up thinking about what I could do today? My mum told me to go to the shop for some cereal because we ran out. I got dressed and put on my shoes and ran outside into the warm summers day, but It was quiet , a bit to quiet! I was confused at first but then off course it was only 9:00am in the morning. I ran across to the shop but before I got in I got stopped by an exhausted looking women saying"THERE COMING!". I asked who but she continued to run I just thought she was crazy and went in the shop. The door was left open with blood stains on it. I shouted hello!,is anyone in". There was no reply I was scared and ran home as fast as my feet could carry when all of a sudden I heard a noise, a loud horrible noice it almost sounded like someone was yelling I looked behind me and there was a crowd of zombies! I ran home to tell her about whats happened but when I got home she was lying on the kitchen floor dead with a big slash through stomach and a chunk out of her shoulder. I couldn't breave everything happened so fast! My head went blank and my blood went cold I cried and cried and cried. A few hours later I was sitting on the couch wondering what to do now when all of a sudden I looked up and..................

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2013 ⏰

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