Dark Skull

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This is Peter, Pete for short

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This is Peter, Pete for short. His current location is unkown, where he actually came from is unknown, we think he's human from what we know from his past, but we cant be sure. Oh and he's a murderer, now we know how that started. Lets get on with the story.

It all started in year 10. He had this "bestfriend" they were so close, they thought nothing could separate them. They made new friends together and did everything together, till one day Peter found out that Connor, his best friend, was talking about him dirtily behind his back, I mean it all fitted together. One day everyone stopped being nice to him and stopped talking to him, it all peiced together, it was Connor doing it all. Pete decided to shake it off and they were friends, for the most of the year with the ocational argument. But at the end of the school year Pete actually got a girlfriend. Now Roxy, Petes girlfriend, didnt go to their school, she lived in another part of town but not that far away, it did mean that she lived in the "rough" part of town though. Pete didnt care, but of course Connor did. Often Connor  would make fun of her voice or what she looked like. Pete couldn't take the insults from a suposed "bestfriend" so he randomly got up in class and screamed "SHUT UP!! YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HER!! YOU ME AFTER CLASS, ILL BEAT YOU IN A SECOND!!" He obviously didnt believe that and sat back down in embarressment. Connor only laughed. But Pete, oh Pete felt weird inside, like the eager feeling of murder. I guess he just shook it off and avoiding the fight after class by just walking home and getting screamed at for the incodent in class.

All summer Pete had that weird feeling of murder. But it was the start of a new school year, year 11 time, he was still with Roxy and still hated Connor. There was just one difference from last year, he had no friends in that school at all. So, the first 3 weeks were pretty good, until he was in music one day and he told this girl he trusted a lot, Jessica was her name,  how he was feeling. "Uh, Jess I have something to say, but promise you wont tell a living soul"

Jess replied "sure go ahead"

Pete explained, "Well ever since I screamed at Connor, I've had this weird feeling of wanting to kill him and others. Please don't tell him"  

Jess, "I promise."

He was off ill the next few days, but when he came back he was in shock. Everyone questioned him on why he wanted to kill Connor, even Connor did, Pete just shook it off but it never stopped. He would just reply with "I don't actually know" or "Its none of your business" all that time he's been death staring Jessica knowing she did this, knowing she broke the promise. I guess he survived quite a lot of those hurtful comments like "your so sick minded" "fat" "ugly" even "you should go kill yourself." 

One day Connor just punched him, Pete didn't understand why but Connor just started beating the crap out of him while everyone laughed and stared. He actually passed out and Connor just carried on until Pete found himself on the floor while the cleaners were cleaning around him, it was, wait uhh, IT WAS 5 O'CLOCK. Everyone just left him there, Pete just got up and limped home, opening the door to see some worried family and a crying girlfriend. Pete just walked past them and went to the kitchen. Roxy noticed and followed "Pete?? Oh god Peter what happened to you!!" He just ignored her. "Peter!!" She grabbed his shoulder. He instantly turned around and slit her throat instantly killing her. Instead of crying he just dropped to his knees and started laughing insanely. He walked to his parents full of blood and just killed them brutally. His mothers last words were "S-son, I still love you, no matter what." Which did bring a tear to his eye, but he quickly ran to his room and went to bed.

He woke up in the morning, went in the shower, got dressed and grabbed the sharpest knife going to school. He was officially inane. The knife in his pocket as he walked to class half way through so his teacher had to go out off class to get him some work. As his teacher left the room he locked the door, everyone looked at him scared and shocked. He brutally murdered every single one, all you could hear was screams till all that was left was Connor and Jessica.  

Jessica stutters "W-why are you doing this, W-what are you going to do to me??"

Peter replies darkly "Shhhh... Im setting you free... From this cruel world"

He then killed them brutally cutting off every limb as they scream from pain and suffering. He enjoyed their screams of pain, He then left a mark that kinda looked like this on the wall.

 He enjoyed their screams of pain, He then left a mark that kinda looked like this on the wall

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He ran off killing anyone in his way instantly.

Now he calls himself "Dark Skull" because he kills people in the night and he has a skull drawn at the back of his sort of jumper thing. Now as I've said, i dont know his exact location, or where he ran off too. All I know is that he kills people brutally in the night saying and making the same mark over and over, every house, every person. Oh, I almost forgot every full moon you might be lucky enough to see him wondering the streets in different clothes perfectly sane, but thats only if your lucky.

I just got a blink of his location, Its. right. behind. YOU!!

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