Chapter 1♡Life 1

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I, specifically... fish!       
Hey, can you here me? Ya, you. Somehow I know you are listening to what I'm saying and probably wondering... how is this cat talking to me? Well, this is how...wait, actually I have no idea! Stop! Your creeping me out! God, there goes my tail, all fluffy and whatnot again. Ok, if this is gonna work, you have to stop reading... your interrupting my hunt for food! Why are you still reading?? Oh fine... I guess I'm just going to have to get used to you.  To start off, my names Freddy, what's yours? Hello? Seriously why am I the only one talking? Never mind. Food food food food. Where did that fish go.... aha! I just gotta jump on this counter, ahh! What was that! Was that a human? Wait! There are humans everywhere! And one big guy has a knife! I gotta run, but first lemme just grab this big juicy fish. Ok now I really got to go, that man is starting to swing! I jumped off the counter and ran into a big piece of...what was that! Ouch its hard but invisible! Why is the floor becoming so far away, I am going really high, I'm afraid of heights! I turn around and there's a small child, with short blonde hair and the prettiest blue eyes, but it's a human! There goes my tail, again. I start trying to jump away but she just keeps holding on, but it's kinda nice, she's very warm and gentle, even for the fact that I'm trying to get away. Before I get away I feel something, something inside, something good. When I look over the girls shoulder I see something that says luve, hey don't judge I haven't perfected my reading skills but that word reminds me of something... Love! That's it! I feel love. It's my first time and I think I want it more often. I just let the girl cuddle me in her arms and I... I... I'm tired.........

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