Painful Pleasure

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Painful Pleasure

    If I had thought of how to die, I would never thought it would be because I was used as a carving block. I had thought it might be at the end of my time, when I had lived my life, or possibly at my own hand. I never thought it would be because some sadist was looking for a new toy. It all started because Desiree wanted a new boyfriend. There was some guy with ‘eyes like melted gold’ that she was stuck on and he had invited her to some Halloween party and she wanted me to come with for ‘moral support’. Knowing that the only reason she wanted me there was to drag her butt home if things got too out of hand, I went. While Desiree dressed as a hot vampire, I went as myself--basically I didn’t want to try--and dressed in my normal camo skinny jeans, black combat boots, black tank and olive green army jacket. However, Desiree convinced me to curl my normally straight high ponytail and leave my Glock at home.
    “It’ll be fun, Sam, I promise,” Desiree assured me.
    I was wary. “I don’t know, Des. It doesn’t sit well with me.”
    Desiree glanced over at me as she drove. “What doesn’t? Erai, or the party?”
    “Both,” I said, crossing my arms as we pulled in front of a house with music booming in it.
    Desiree waved off my concerns as she dropped her purse in the backseat of the car and locked it. “You’re just nervous because this is your first party. You’ll be fine, and hey, maybe you’ll find some hot guy and y’all will hit it off.”
    “I guess,” I said unsurely.
    “Now, let’s go.” Desiree said, dragging me into the house. I trudged after her, glad that I could feel the comforting feel of my dagger in my boot. Almost as soon as we walked through the door, I lost Desiree. I rolled my eyes to the ceiling and walked over to the snack table in the game room. I grabbed a can of Diet Coke and looked around the room as I sipped it. As my eyes traveled the surveying area they honed in on a single person. The person was male and had decided to dress as a Spartan warrior from what she could see and said male was looking at her.
When he saw that she had seen him, he walked over to her and said, “Hello, beauty, how would you like to tame the beast?”
I raised an eyebrow and said, “The beast would have to exist for me to tame it.”
He smirked and said, “Okay, you didn’t like that one. How about this? Do you mind if I stare at you up close instead of from across the room?”
I stared at him in disgust and disbelief. “That’s really creepy. Later, loser.”
“Wait, I have more!” He shouted after me.
“Don’t want to hear it,” I yell over my shoulder.
Hours later, I’m still bored and alone. Except now, the creepy Spartan was no where in my vicinity from what I could see.
“I hope you like heavy metal, because I’m gonna teach you to scream,” a voice whispered harshly in my ear. I turned around to tell the creepy pervert to back off when suddenly I felt a sharp pain at the back of my head and all I saw was darkness.
When I woke up next, I was in a cellar. It was dark, save for the small glow the singular light bulb emitted. I tried to move, but found myself bound to the metal chair I was sitting on. I struggled to reach my boot that held my dagger, but before I could, the door creaked open.
“Hello, beauty. How are you?” The voice asked, descending down the stairs.
Once he reached the bottom of the steps, I immediately glared at him. It was the creeper from last night. Except, now, his black hair was styled in a quiff instead of being stuck in a helmet and his silver eyes sparkled with lust and mischief instead of intrigue.
“You creepy psycho,” I growled at him. “Where the hell am I? Why would you take me? News flash, kidnapping a girl isn’t the best way to get laid!”
My words didn’t faze him as his grin widened. “Ah, my beauty has a temper. It will be so fulfilling to break it.”
I felt a rock sink to the bottom of my stomach. “What the hell are you talking about?”
He smirked at me and went to wall to turn on another set of lights. As the lights illuminated the room, I felt my eyes widen in horror. Lining the walls were daggers and knives of different shapes and sizes along with several firearms and branding materials. But, what I failed to notice before, was the table directly in front of me with only two devices lying on the top--a small knife in a steel container and a branding iron.
“Do you like my collection? I saved it up for you,” he whispered, coming around behind me to sweep my hair over my shoulder. “I wanted to find the perfect instruments to use on your perfect, creamy skin.”
He placed a kiss on my shoulder, causing me to shudder in disgust. He, however, saw it differently and came around to the front of me, lust clear in his eyes.
“You like that, beauty? I can give you more,” he hinted huskily, kissing up my neck sloppily. “Just let me have my fun first.”
“What are you going to do to me?” I ask boldly when he walks toward his branding iron.
He grinned at me. “I’m going to let everyone know you’re mine.”
He then went over to the burning fire he had constructed while I was admiring his wall of toys and stuck the branding iron in, waiting until it was white with heat before moving over to me. I shook my head frantically, trying to convince him with my movements not to come near me.
“Oh, beauty. It’s okay, once this is over the real fun can begin,” he said, coming so close the iron was only an inch away from my skin. He looked up my body and ripped my shirt off my body, causing me to glare at him before I felt the searing hot metal touch my stomach. I screamed as I felt the hot iron start to melt away the skin at my stomach. I made the mistake of looking down and almost vomited as I saw the skin becoming red and peeling away from the skin as the dark mark came in its place. I saw the melting flesh bubble and pop before it fell to the ground, useless. I felt my lungs start to close as tears welled up as the heat started to consume me and I breathed through my nose, only to have the need to vomit increase as I felt the scent of burning flesh fill the room. It smelt like a combination of fatty pork grease and burning beef with a hint of a coppery smell. I looked away from my searing flesh, unable to bear the sight, and saw that my kidnapper was smiling-beaming actually-and had a growing sign of arousal. I felt the vomit climb up my stomach and felt the familiar burning sensation of the acid travelling up my throat as I vomited in my kidnapper’s face.
He immediately dropped the hot iron, giving me some relief. But I only felt relief shortly because as I looked at my kidnapper again, I saw pure rage in his eyes.
“I’m going to go clean up. When I’m back, I’m going to experiment with that little knife over there. I want to see how many words I can carve on that delectable skin of yours,” he whispered calmly, coming over and nipping my ear.
He left the room and I took another glance at my stomach, only to vomit again as I saw the name written on it. ‘Sanguinarius’. What felt like hours later, Sanguinarius came back, a look of pure joy on his face.
“Ah, my beauty, look how lovely you look with my name on your body. It makes me very, excited,” he murmured.
I shook in fear. “Please don’t,” I pleaded as he walked over to the knife on the table.
“You want to know what this is beauty? This is a Chroma Paring Knife. I looked for weeks for the perfect tool to carve into that soft skin of yours and this is perfect. The sales lady told me it was perfect for carving,” he tucked a hair behind my ear with the tip of the knife as he continued to speak, “slicing and preparing meals. Now, since you're not my meal, I don’t want to slice you, I guess I’ll just have to carve you, huh? Let’s hope you're stronger than the last one.”
As he was about to lay the knife on my skin I hurriedly blurted, “Why would you be looking for a knife for me for weeks? I only met you last night.”
Sanguinarius chuckled lowly as he traced the cool tip of the knife along my arm, never hard enough to cut the skin, but enough to cause me to shake in fear. “My beauty, I’ve been watching you for months. From the first date you had two months ago, to you changing in your bedroom, to the party--I’ve always been watching you.”
Before I could retaliate, he applied more pressure to the skin and cut it, causing me to hiss in pain. I wasn’t in too much pain until he started to apply lemon juice to the cuts, making me scream out in pain as he wrote ‘beauty’ into my arm.
“Ah, you look ravishing beauty,” he moaned as he went up to my chest and started to write some more in my skin. He then groaned and let his lips crash onto mine as he pressed the knife harder into my skin. I screamed into his mouth but he just took advantage of that and slid his tongue into my mouth, letting the knife slip a little lower until it rested over my heart. I continued to scream as I felt his hand come near the zipper of my pants and as he pressed closer to me I felt the knife slip into my chest and screamed like a banshee as I felt the tip touch my heart.
I barely felt anything as the lights around me blurred to white and the noises joined to form static. Then the smell of copper filled my nostrils until I couldn’t smell anything. Then the static left my ears as the white light faded to grey. And then there was nothing.

Painful PleasureWhere stories live. Discover now