The Beginning

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The wind blows as I walk home. It was cold today. I keep replaying the previous night, over and over in my head. The screaming. I try not to let it bother me but I can't help it. Why did she have to take it so far? I wish I could help her with her drinking but she never listens to me. I'm the child she hates.  I see the car in the driveway. My moms boyfriend is here. His name is John and he is the closest thing to a father figure I have. I don't see why he puts up with her. As I walk in the door I happen to overhear their conversation. "I need $200, John. I can't afford the bills this month." "I can not keep giving you money, Francis! You shouldn't have quit your job. You can't mooch off of me and Jasmine your whole life." "If you loved me you would give me what I want but...".  Mom stopped talking when she noticed me standing there. I went over and gave John a hug and asked my mom what was going on. She said it was none of my business and to go upstairs. So I did but I couldn't help but hear the conversation escalating. They started yelling at each other. Luckily I couldn't hear the words they were saying. I sat down on my bed and took out my tablet and started texting my friends on kik like I always did when I got home. I had a few online friends but not many. People just naturally hate me I guess. I notice my sister coming home from work. So I go downstairs to see her. Jasmine is 17 years old and has been working plus supporting this family since she was 15.  John was leaving right when I got to the kitchen and we said our goodbyes. Jasmine and my mother never really got along either but they tried. My mom asked Jasmine for her paycheck so she could go out  with her friend Jan. "No mom. You are an adult. It is not my responsibility to support you and your drug addiction." Jasmine said. ". Mom punched my sister and kicked her. Jasmine threw the money at mom and ran upstairs crying. This happens a lot. I went to comfort my sister and she promised she would be alright. Its funny, she doesn't know that we are more alike then she thinks. It was  getting late now so I did my nightly routine. I had finally gotten into bed when I heard mom giggling. John had to carry her up the stairs again due to her drunken state. She opened my door and started calling me a worthless loser again. I shut my door and started texting my online friends. I didn't even care if they weren't real. I just wanted to talk to someone about my life. I stop for a minute and just start thinking about the things my mother has said to me. Once again the previous night came up . Did she really want to kill me? Or was she just high? Nobody will ever know. Oh well. 

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