The stripper story

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Once upon a time there was a stripper named Ollie Ramen , Ollie Ramen was a very sad stripper because his lover the very beautiful and far away Mexican princess named Allie White was kidnapped. Ollie being a very sensitive stripper went on a crying fest because Klay Olsen is a idiot and let Allie White the Mexican princess get kidnapped by no other than Henry Blake and his gang of Tromboners that included Matt Cole, Maddie Baker, Will Jaks, and Jackson Landyn. The night that Allie White got kidnapped,Ollie Ramen was stripping with Klay Olsen and James Olive they were known as the Tubhobas and they weren't very sexy strippers but they were good at their jobs and Allie White was kidnapped after Jackson Landyn slipped and fell on top of a table.
Allie White escaped the Henry Baker and the Tromboners because she smacked them upside the head with a binder and her loyal baritone that she hates very much so and she was back at the strip club by the time Ollie Ramen the stripper was already gone. The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2016 ⏰

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