Part 1 Project GRIMM!

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(Y/N) = Your first name

(L/N) = Your last name

(H/C) = Your hair colour

(E/C) = Your eye colour

(F/C) = Your favourite colour

Location: Unknown

You wake up on the floor in an unfamiliar empty white room, you don't remember anything but your name and basic skills and information like talking or what money is. A man enters from a door to your right with a clipboard. You pretend to be asleep to see what he'll do, the man walks up to your (sleeping) form but is shocked when you grab his leg and throw him to the ground while also getting up and shoving your right bare foot into his face knocking him out. You are currently wearing a prisoners outfit but instead of orange it's a bright white. as you search the lab worker you find a number two pencil, the clip bored which didn't make any sense to you when reading it, a key-card that's going to come in handy, and a 9mm pistol with three spare clips. as you stand up you a alarm goes of with a computerised voice stating ''Project Grimm 114 has awaken and is hostile, I repeat, Project Grimm 114 has awaken and is hostile.''

You assume it's talking about you so you get up and run to the door where the lab worker came in from, only to be confronted by five soldiers with assault riffles pointed at your head. With inhuman speed you didn't know you possessed you pulled out your pistole and shot all five of them right between the eyes, not caring that you killed five random people you picked up one of there assault rifles and all there ammo. You walked out of the room only to be shot in the leg by a clocked soldier, but when the bullet hit your leg it bounced of like it was nothing, the soldier quickly realised what had just happened and ran for his life 'he's not worth the ammo' you thought as you walked in the opposite direction in the hallway, a man with a robotic arm covered by his long white coat walked in front of you, he hid his robotic arm perfectly with his gloves and coat, but you could smell it with your recently found enhanced seance of smell, you didn't know much but you knew you were not suppose to be as powerful as you are if you where human. the man with the robotic arm spoke up when you started looking at yourself confused. ''Do you have a name, mine is general Ironwood.'' You hesitantly state '' My name is (Y/N), what am I.'' The general noticed your confusion and began to tell you what you are.

Until a little girl with red hair walked up next to him and chirped, '' You are a genetically generated human, but without an aura, which is the thing that connects all life, kinda like a soul. You are technically a creature of Grimm which don't have an aura either. you where born exactly five hours ten minuets and fifty five seconds ago.'' after hearing that you where just a bi-product shocked you it only took a few seconds for you to realise the girl was not human ever she was an android, but you could sense that she had an aura. '' Your not human either, what are you.'' You said with a bit of annoyance in your voice at the fact she just unloaded all that information on you so quickly and bluntly. '' My name is penny. I'm an android with an aura, my farther is the one who built me. he's technically your farther too as you where made out of his DNA.'' Penny sated in a happy way, she never stopped smiling, until you said '' So your my sister.'' she stopped smiling and put a finger to her lips in a confused manner but then had that same smile again when she chirped ''Yep, happy birthday little sis.

You walked up to her gave her a hug and then stated walking down the hale in an inhuman speed to avoid the question where are you going, because you realised if that's the force they bring when you wake up they will never let you leave. You find the exit in no time at all. and walk out into a city, you close the hatch you just crawled out of and head to a the centre of the road and look up to see the night sky. You begin walking down the street at a normal pace taking in the beautiful architecture around you when you see a dust shop, having no idea what that was, you walked in and asked the old man at the till if you can look around, he gave confused look and said yes, he thought to himself. 'Why dose he think he needs my permission.' You look around the shop and wonder 'What dose all this coloured dust do'. Your thoughts where interrupted when a man came into the shop.

(A/N) I hope you enjoyed it and please leave comment of where you want this story to lead to next and I will take it into consideration. But for now I'm going to have to bid you farewell.

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