The Assimilation

25 1 1

Sept. 17 2219

  One year ago. One year ago, President Waltz had our government release a nuclear fire strike on all opposing countries to end our 17 year long war against the Axis army, however our allies have lost all trust with the Americans after the nuclear strike.
  My squadron, Iron Skulls, have been wandering the remnants of Los Angeles for three weeks, scouting for resources and survivors, though our hunt had stayed fruitless. Private Luis had died four days ago from raider, and Matthews had been devoured by the roaming cannibals. Out moral was low, and so was our water.
  I had sent Sargent Clate to scout a room of an abandoned house we were resting in, while Corporal Jackson, Private Rodriguez and I had mad camp. Rodriquez was telling a story of how his son had broken his arm, and Jackson was poking at the fire.

Nearly about seven minutes after we pitched tents, I heard Clate make an agonizing cry. We rushed to the room he was in, but found nothing but the blood covered pendent of his wife. I knew only one thing could have happened to him. He was assimilated.

We rushed out of the room and grabbed our weapons and his behind a pile of rubble, then we say it. The Assimilator. A bleeding mass of discolored flesh, arms legs and faces pretuding out of its large, grotesque body. Screams and cries erupted from its body, asking them to be helped or killed, groping toward what is near so be set freed.

As we ready our weapons, we see Clate was hanging of the side of the creatures side. He was crying to us, asking for help. We opened fire on him, trying to end his pain, for he was not our brother anymore, he wasn't even human.

Then, it launched a mass of bloody flesh from its chest and hit Rodriguez in his torso. For a second he slowly looked down and saw what had happened to him, then he looks up to me and says, "Tell my family I didn't stop till the very end," and plucked the pins out of the grenades on his vest and was lurched toward the Assimilator. As he was being fused with the creature, the grenades exploded, sending bits of pieces of the creature.

Jackson and I ran out of the building, jumped into the jeep, and road of, ready to tell the story of The Create Private Antonio Rodriguez, the man who killed The Assimilator.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2016 ⏰

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