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I walked in the front door, of the home I shared with Demi, after being fitted for my tuxedo. I yelled up the stairs. "Demi? I'm home."

"Up in the bathroom." I heard her shout.

When I got to the bathroom, I saw that she wasn't alone. All of Demi's bridesmaids were surrounding her, so I couldn't see her. I covered my eyes. "Oh shit. Does she have her dress on or something?"

The girls all laughed. Marissa spoke up. "No. She changed her hair & we were trying to figure out the best way to wear it for the wedding."

"Before I show you, I have to say, that I am starting a hair revolution. Or rather continuing the one Miley started a few years ago." Demi said from behind her girls.

"Um. Okay." I was starting to get worried. When I left Demi this morning, her hair was blond & she was going to go back to her natural hair color for the wedding. "Can I see it?"

The girls moved so I could see Demi. Her hair was brown again, but it was super short, like Anne Hathaway's hair in Les Miserables. I was speechless. I just stared at her, not knowing what to say. It was different, for sure & it didn't necessarily look bad, but I wasn't used to it. I was surprised she had done this right before our wedding. She hadn't even hinted to me that she wanted to go shorter with her hair. 

Demi smiled. "Do you like it?"

I swallowed. How did I answer this? I liked it on Anne Hathaway, but I really didn't think it was Demi. I have always known her to have longer hair. I always loved her hair. I love long hair. I could get used to this short hair, because I loved Demi for who she was & not how her hair was,but I just needed some time. I nodded, slowly, still watching her with little expression on my face. I was in shock a little bit.

"It's a revolution. It will grow back." Demi said, grinning at her girls, who surrounded her. "They all might do it, too."

I took a deep breath & looked around at her friends. They were all smiling or covering their mouths. "You're all going to have short hair for the wedding?" I asked.

Marissa nodded. "Yes. We were thinking of joining the short hair revolution." Marissa laughed, slightly. "Doesn't she look amazing?"

I looked back at Demi. She did look amazing & would probably look even better once the hair cut was styled or something. I nodded again. "Yea." I managed to get out. 

"I'm glad you got to see it before I dyed it." Demi said.

"You're dying it?" I asked. "What color?"

"Platinum blond. Like Miley's was when she first cut it." Demi grinned from ear to ear. "But I may do orange streaks. I haven't decided yet."

I closed my eyes & took a deep breath. "Please don't do orange streaks." I opened my eyes to look at Demi. "And can't you leave it brown?"

"Brown is boring. It says revolution more if it's platinum." Demi nodded a little.

"I love your hair & I love it brown. Can you leave it like this for me?" I tilted my head, slightly.

"You hate it." Demi stuck out her lower lip.

I took a step toward her. "No, no. I don't hate it. I'm just not used to it."

"You'll get used to orange streaks." Demi's mouth turned up in a smile.

"I guess I will. Maybe you can wait til after the wedding, though." 


"The orange streaks could clash with the fall colors." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

I heard several of the girls burst into fits of laughter & Demi couldn't contain herself as she joined them in laughing. I looked around & saw every one of the girls were laughing incredibly hard. "What is so funny?" I asked, confusion written all over my face. Suddenly, it hit me. "Are you messing with me?" I asked Demi.

Demi nodded as she reached up & pulled the wig off of her head. Her long brown hair cascaded down her shoulders as I let out a sigh of relief. She put her arms around my waist & smiled up at me. "Just wanted to see how you'd react. I'm not cutting my hair that short before our wedding."

I tilted my head back, laughing. "Thank God." I kissed Demi & grabbed a handful of hair in my hand. "I was kind of upset I didn't get to say goodbye to this beautiful hair." Demi laughed before she kissed me again. I was so happy she hadn't cut her hair, even if it did make me feel shallow. If she ever did cut her hair, I would get used to it, but I prayed she would give me a heads up, first.

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