I Need You

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Chapter 1
My name's Isaac. A lot of people hate me. I hate myself too. My father has been abusing me since my mom died and Camden. Every single day I come home to beatings. What's even worse is that I get bullied at school. I get bullied because I'm pronounced "different." Therefor I'm bullied. My. Life. Sucks

What no one else knows is that I self harm. I've self harmed for about a year and a half. I starve myself and cut myself. I have cuts on my wrists, legs, and stomach. I starve my self for about 3 weeks, then eat, then puke it back up. People hate me, and I hate myself too.

There's this one guy that I really like. Like, like like. Yes, I'm gay. That's another reason people don't except me. Well, his name's Scott. Scott MCcall. He has the most beautiful big brown eyes, the cutest crooked jaw, but he would never go for some damaged, broken self harming freak like me.

(Scott's POV)

God school sucks. I'm barley passing 2 of my classes. Ever since I became a werewolf I just couldn't on school. Plus.....there's this one guy that I LIKE. His name is Isaac Lahey. He is the most sweetest guy. With his big blue eyes and his innocent little face I just want to kiss. He comes to school with new bruises and cuts on his face and neck. Sometimes I even smell blood on him. That makes me really nervous. I just want to help and love him. We sometimes talk because we are partners in science. I may sometime have to courage to ask him out. Hopefully he feels the same way about me.

~~~Chapter 2~~~

(SCHOOL Scott's POV)

I couldn't wait till 2nd period. That's the class I have with Isaac. I'm gonna ask if he would want to come over to my house so we could work on our project we were assigned. I really hope he will say yes.

~~~ 2nd period~~~

(Isaac's POV)

I was the first one at me table I shared with Scott. I usually am. I always get butterflies in my stomach when we make eye contact when he first wakes in. But I look away so he doesn't notice I was starring at him. Scott walks in. Today I really didn't want to look up at anyone because I have a big bruise on my cheek and a black eye. All from my dad. Once scott sits down I hear whispers people are saying. "Don't get to close MCcall, you might catch something! Ew look at the guy Scott's sitting next,what a freak." I wanted to just kill myself then and there.


I couldn't stand hearing all the things people were saying about Isaac. I just wanted to hold him and tell him everything's alright. So I started a conversation. " Hey Isaac, do you want to come over to my house later tonight so we can work on our project?" Isaac only nodded weakly. "Listen Isaac, I know you don't like people saying all that stuff about you, but if it gets too bad just talk to me, okay?"
Why was he being so nice to me? I felt all warm inside to the thought that Scott MCcall was worried about me. That's when we made eye contact. Which was a mistake because he saw the bruise and black eye that was on my face. He gasps loudly but I tried to somehow hide my face by looking down, trying my best to hold back the tears. " Oh my god Isaac what happened?!" he gently grabbed my face and looked me into the eyes. " Scott n-nothing I-I'm fi-fine." But I really wasn't.

~~~Chapter 3~~~

(Isaac POV)
Scott offered me a ride. I was so thankful because I couldn't go back home. We get to his house and we were greeted my his mother. She was very nice and seemed so gentle. We then made our way up to his room. I felt his eyes burning at me. He cupped my face with both his hands and asked, "What happened?"
Should I tell him? can I trust him? should I tell him about my self harm? That's when I broke down I front of him. What I didn't expect was for him to hold me. I told him everything that has happened from my mom, to Camden, to my father. he just sat and listened. He grabbed my wrists to pull me up further with him but I just screamed in pain. My cuts were brand new and they were sore. He looked at me with awe. "Pull up your sleeves Isaac." I shook my head and backed away. Scott only pulled me closer and pulled up my sleeves. He saw all of my scars and cuts. I started bawling.

(Scott's POV)
I can't believe what's happened to Isaac. The wolf inside me just wanted to go rip his fathers head off. I pulled him close by grabbing his wrists but what I found out is that he self harms. He started crying even harder. So what I did, I took his arms and started kissing his cuts and scars. I wanted him to be mine. So ill have to start out slow.
He was kissing my arm. I felt so happy but a little shaky. He stopped and looked me in the eyes and said "Isaac, I want you to be mine. Ill help you with this, with the bullies, the self harm, even your father. But you have to let me. The only thing I could do is smile and nod. That's when Scott smashed his lips into mine. Obviously, I kissed back. Hours passed until I looked at the clock. Oh no. it was midnight already! "Oh crap my dad is going to kill me!" I said as I got all my things. "Wait Isaac!" I turned and looked at him. "I need to show you something. Since you opened up to me, ill open up to you." I was a little nervous from what Scott just said. Then Scotts eyes turned red, and he grew sharp teeth. But, I wasn't scared. "What are you?" "I'm a werewolf Isaac, and I'm gonna take you away from your dad." Scott took my hand in his and led me out the door to my house. Lets hope this works...

~~~Chapter 3~~~

We get to my house and I tell Scott to wait in the car. "What no! Isaac what if he hurts you!" "Scott I'm just gonna tell him and get my things and if you hear me scream or something then you come in, okay?" "Ugh okay Isaac." Scott said while he kisses my cheek. I giggled at his cuteness and walked to the door.
"Is that my worthless son walking in past midnight?" "Dad, I'm leaving.'' "Excuse me?" Dad said getting up and walking toward me. I could smell the alcohol in breath knowing he's been drinking. "I s-said I w-was lea-leaving." Before I finished that last word a fist was connected with me jaw. He kept kicking my ribs until he hit the right spot which made me scream in agony. Scott heard because I heard a car door slam. Thank Jesus.
( Scott )
I head Isaac scream and I immediately busted down the door in wolf form. I saw Isaac clutching his side and chest knowing he has been kicked repeatedly. This wasn't good.

I transformed and went straight for his father. I pushed him and he flew into a table. I picked up Isaac carefully. He whimpered at first but then melted into my arms. I ran to my car and gently laid him in the passenger seat. Then we drove back to my house.

While we were in the car I grabbed Isaac hand carefully. He squeezed my hand and said, "Scott, everything hurts." "I know, I know but when we get home ill take care of you." I say while rubbing my thumb against his hand.
I carry him out of the car and into my room and lay him down on my bed. I pull is shirt off and see all the bruises forming. And some other cuts he's done. All I do is kiss all the bruises and cuts. She shivers at what I do to him and I pull my face up to his and kiss him passionately. I pull away and he snuggles into my side and falls asleep.


Isaac and I walk in together and my arm is around his waist. He is looking at the ground away from people and I tighten my grip on him. We have all of our classes together so that's good. He doesn't have to deal with anyone without me.
We walk into class and we sit together and I tilt his face up and kiss him and he grabs my hand and thread our hands together. I smile and how cute he is and I get lost in his crystal blue eyes. But he also had a bruise on his cheek. I kisses his bruise and people next to us made gagging noises. I look at them and flash my eyes at them. The quickly look away and never said a word to us again. Isaac then snuggles into me closer and class begins.


Me, Isaac, Lydia, Stiles, and Allison are all sitting together at lunch. I can't help but happen to glance at Isaac an how he won't eat anything. "Isaac are you gonna eat anything?" "No I'm not hungry." I know this is him self harming himself. "Isaac please eat something. You're to beautiful to starve yourself." Isaac looks up at me and all he does his take my arm and put it over him and snuggles in to me and shakes his and shudders. "Are you cold?" I asked. Isaac shakes his head yes. I give him my extra sweatshirt that was in my bag and it say MCcall. He gladly takes it and smiles. We had cookies and I pinch off a piece and hand it to Isaac. "Start small." I say. Isaac open his mouth and I feed him the cookie. He hums in content. I hold him closer to me and help him eat.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2014 ⏰

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