Soul Mate

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Short Story. Hope you like it :)


Violent delights will have violent endings. This short story is the last moments between two lovers.

© 2012 Skye Jayne


“Would you like to dance?” Nathan asked with a playful smirk.

I looked at him with shock. The sparkle in his eyes was undeniable. “Now?” I exclaimed, “We don’t have time to dance now!”

“This may be our last moments together,” he said, “I wanna spend it in your arms, Stella.”

I looked at him confused. “What do you mean ‘last?’ We are not surrendering!”

He gave me a smile, an understanding smile. The sparkles in his eyes died down, his smile remained. “We can’t run forever, sweetheart. They will find me eventually.”

I gave him a tight hug. I held on to his scent and warmth for the longest I could. “Are you sure? You will be leaving so much behind.”

“You deserve better than this life I’m giving you,” he said as he stood up and extended his hand. “May I have this dance?” he asked in a strange posh accent.

Tears filled my eyes. “Yes,” I whispered in defeat as I took his hand. I gripped his hand as much as I could. I gripped it like my life depended on it. I held on to it as if I was falling off a cliff and only he was there to keep me from falling. It felt like that.

We slowly walked towards the ballroom and danced in the middle of the room. There were many couples slow dancing here. All of them were oblivious to who we were. Oblivious to what was going to happen, and what I wanted to avoid.

“You’re beautiful,” he smiled and kissed my cheek, wiping my tear away with his soft lips.

“I’ll miss you. Every day,” I told him.

He twirled me around. “You’ll find someone else,” he chuckled, “someone to give you the life you’ve always wanted.”

“I want you,” I blankly stated. But his eyes continued to sparkle like he was going to win an achievement award. His eyes continued to sparkle as if it was the first time he realised he was in love. His eyes continued to sparkle as if he was finally free.

He came closer and whispered, “kiss me one last time.”

I stood on his toes and kissed him like it was our last moments together. I focused on his lips and the softness of it and kissed him.

A gunshot was fired. His body jerked and he slumped on me. I staggered and heard shrieks everywhere.

“I love you,” he mumbled as his eyes closed.

I struggled to keep his body up as I told him, “I love you too, baby.”

Footsteps came closer. I could feel Nathan being ripped away from me.

“No!” I exclaimed in despair, “Don’t take him away from me! He’s hurt! Please don’t hurt him more.”

The men in combat boots ignored my pleas and walked away with Nathan, loading him in the truck, and driving away.

I crumbled to the ground, my face touched the earth’s grass, and I cried. I cried because today the most wanted jewel thief was shot dead in my arms. I cried for today I lost my soul mate.


About The Author

Skye started writing at the age of 16. She started off writing on a website called where 3 of her creative works have been featured by the website. She loves writing short stories and poems. She sometimes dabbles with writing full length stories too. She has written stories under the names of Skyler Jayne, Skye Jayne and Skye J Cardoz. She also sometimes refers to herself in third person!

~Writing Tales of Love and Heartbreak~


Skye Jayne

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