1.normal Day not

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I couldn't stop it . It just came out gushing like niagra falls never would i have thought this would happen living with my mom and dad they always seemed in love but the divorce hit  like a hurricane

I called my best freinds​ monica, and sally and they where confused also i ended up running away from school and into the woods . And a soon as my thought was finished i heard a snap i looked up to see the most handsome man i have ever seen as i looked up i saw the most handsome man  with dark green eyes and slick black hair and the most  chiseled face i have ever seen God must have spent time on him. Just as i started to look down a rag was covering my mouth but in my last seconds of time i heard him say "i have waited to long for you my love"          
I was in a pool at the age of six my parents just got back from work and it was time to make the babysitter leave "lisa do you have to go "  she responded " yes but i will see you tomorrow " those where the last words she ever spoke to me i never saw lisa again .   
As i was slowly waking up all i could feel was this incredible warmth it made me not want to move bit as as my eyes opened i noticed it was a guys arm .

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