PSAT Fanfiction

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"You call this artisan?" Don Juan hollered. Customer eyes traced their way back to the fuming man. Don Juan clenched the loaf of bread, chucked it to the ground and brought his boot down on it. "It's not even hand rolled." His eyes flared as he glowered at the fat owner of the store who hesitantly took a step back . Some shoppers slowly put bread back on their shelves and Don Juan spat on the ground and marched out the door. He ignored the girl waiting outside.

"Don Juan!" She cried. She chased after the cross man, her Kodak camera in hand. "My lessons!"

"How many times do I have to tell you, NO."

Aurora de Valle tried waving the check her grandmother gave her by his face and he slapped it away.

"Why are you in a worse mood than usual?" She said. "I heard people talking about a man who was outraged over artisan bread, don't tell me that was you."

Don Juan scowled at this and he only walked faster.

The smell of salt and fish clogged the air and a heavy mist prevented them from seeing more than a few feet in front of them. Don Juan made his way to the nearby beach that was by then only illuminated by starlight- glare danced with the movement of the waves. The cold breeze on the beach ran it's finger through their hairs.

"There are many things I hate in this world," said Don Juan, a little calmer. "Some of which include untalented rich girls like you, falsely labeled artisan bread, and mechanical pencils." the song of a toad fish was the only utter on the beach, when suddenly, it stopped.

Don Juan stared appreciatively at the star cloaked sky. "Although," he said. "There is one thing I don't hate."

"And what is that?"

Don Juan pointed above. "Stickman. You know, some people think that the universe is scattered at random, but to intellectuals like myself, it's easy to see that Stickman is proof against this." Aurora de Valle walked closer to the shore. Sponges collected on the reef and seemed to dominate in numbers. A dolphin whistled nearby as it bounded out of the water and leaped towards the distant moon. A few moments later, the toad fish ensued it's song.

Aurora de Valle, seeing her opportunity, brought the check close to him again. "My grandmother will pay you anything. Please, just teach me."

Don Juan, not taking his eyes off of Stickman snatched the check, crumpled it in his fist, and threw it into the ocean.

"I take talent, not money."

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