A Final Wish

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Prologue:As Rick faced his trial against the judge, waiting for his execution. He decided to wander through his memories for one last thing before he would certainly be put to a cold harsh death...comfort.

Rick was only 17 when his troubles began.  He would get in knife fights around town and in school, he held a man at gunpoint, assaulted 3 men, and set fire to a house. This troubled blonde hard-headed boy was never like this until she came along.

Chapter 1:It was a crisp October morning, as Rick waited to get on the bus, the swift scent of fall was on the towns mind. the leaves crunching like potato chips on the soft dewy ground. He noticed large moving trucks in the rocky driveway in the house next door, as the bus slowly creeps up to Rick’s stop, he sees a girl his age walk out to the  end of her driveway. He feels something punch him on the inside as he gets on the bus.  As he sat in his empty seat waiting for the bus to leave. He heard another person get on the bus, as Rick sat in his seat with his headphones in his ears he heard someone talk to him. “Do you mind if I sit with you,” the girl he saw said.

“No, here,”  said Rick as he moved further into the seat.

“Hi, my name’s Hailie,” said the girl extending her arm to shake hands with Rick, “ Hailie  Lewis.”

“Rick,” he said shaking her hand, “ Rick Greene.”

As they constantly talked during the bus ride to school and she got her schedule for the new year...what luck! She was in all of his classes except for his study hall, but that didn’t stop him from meeting with her. they would meet in the library and chat all day until the bell rang then they would talk on the bus ride home, and after they got home they would go on walks and talk and life seemed good at that point.

Chapter 2:suddenly the judge brought him out of his memory, “Rick Greene,” the tubby judge, pounding his gavel said, “you have been in this court for too long and until we reach a verdict you will be put in prison until an outcome is reached.”

As he cursed at the guards and the judge as he was taken away, he thought to himself, “Thank you.”  

As he lay in the old, moldy cell, he kept thinking about the girl that started it all.

there was one midsummer day that he’ll never forget. As young Rick stepped out on his patio, he looked into his good friends yard, to find her burying something, as Rick approached her, he exclaimed, “ Hailie, what's wrong?”

She turned to him, with her teary eyes, trying to catch her breath and she said, “Oh Rick, Eric Carter shot my dog after it chased a cat into his yard.”

Eric J. Carter, The town has described him as a very horrible man, arrested for domestic violence and aggravated assault while intoxicated. But as horrible as he was, he was never known to kill anything; especially an animal. Shocked, Rick felt a weird sense overcome him, not thinking  he grabbed his little league metal bat and started walking up the road toward 29-year old Eric Carter’s house.  When Rick arrived at Eric’s house, he started hitting Eric’s car with the bat, breaking the windows, then Eric came out, with a bottle in one hand and he shouted in a slur, ” Whaddya think you’re doin’. Get offa my property!”

As Eric stumbled down the stairs, Rick noticed something on Eric’s waist... a gun holster! Frightened Rick charged at Eric, knocking him over into the rose bush, when Eric was getting out of the roses, he pulled out his gun towards Rick. Rick swung the bat with all his might and down in the dirt fell blood covered Eric... and then screaming was heard from Eric’s house, His wife came out crying with a phone in her hand. when Rick saw the phone, turned and ran with his blood smothered bat back to his house.

Chapter 3: He still doesnt know what became of Eric. Some say he died, some say he never walked again, but one thing for sure: is that no one stood with Rick in court. He had served 3 years for that. "ha, three years...child's play" he chuckled to himself. As he made his way down the cracked hallway of the prison, on his way to eat, he noticed something unusual. Big John wasnt at the gaurded table. he brushed off as if nothing. "HEY YOU RICKI DICKI," Shouted Ricks friend Dylan as he got to the lunch table.

------thats all i got for the moment...HUZZAH~ Brandon

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2013 ⏰

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