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Her eyes were what made me falter.

Eyes the color of the ice shards I have seen thrown at the heads of little children for the simple amusement of the guards that kept us all in line.

Eyes that were alight with terror as she pursed her lips and looked ahead, bravely awaiting her fate.

Eyes that made me want to protect her.

I swallowed nervously, my heart pounding its way into my throat as I stepped a little closer, trying to get a better look at the girl as the guard dragged her across the ground, her body limp with exhaustion and defiance.

That would soon be beaten out of her, I thought sadly as my calloused fingers traced over a raised scar on the inner part of my palm, trying to soothe the phantom pain I felt.

The head-guard, a man named De'Vroe, stood over the little girl, casting down a sickening grin, as he was already planning the tortures that would break her.

"This small twat? She can't be all that great!" He laughed, kneeling down and taking her rounded cheeks in his hand roughly, examining her like an animal for the slaughter.

I gasped and took another daring step forward, earning the wary looks of the guard around me. Yes, you should be afraid, I thought as I cast them dark looks. She will not be harmed.

Before I could get De'Vroe away from her, I watched as she turned her head and bit into the skin between his pointer finger and thumb, ripping the flesh away with a quick turn of the head as he yelped and yanked his hand back, blood spurting onto her cheek and the ground. The girl spat out the flesh and grinned triumphantly, her icy eyes bright with anger and hate.

I felt pride fill my chest as I took in the small quirk of her lips. She was a fighter, she has a chance here.

She was strong.

De'Vroe sneered at the girl and went to grab his gun from its holster, fumbling as his bloodied hand shook. "Fucking hell! If you're half the Mind fucker people are making you out to be, then this shouldn't be deadly." He growled, finally getting his gun free.

Red began to cloud the edges of my vision as I felt the surge of fiery power tingle up from the tips of my toes and throughout my whole body. Smoke began to burn my nostrils as my fingers became alight with dancing flames, circling around my fingers in an infinity loop.

De'Croe gave me an annoyed look as flames circled around the three of us, the guards holding the girl having fled when they saw the rise in power in me.

"Leave her alone," I said coldly, stepping forward and standing just behind the girl, who turned and gave me a confused look.

De'Vroe sneered and lifted the gun to aim at my head.

Before I could do anything, the girl rose to her feet and wrapped her hands around his wrists, and with her icy glare, squeezed.

I could barely see the vibration of power thrumming through her fingertips as the rippled just beneath his skin, vibrating his bones till they crumbled to dust.

De'Vroe screamed in agony and tried to shake off the girl's grip, but she held on fast, her icy blue gaze dying out to a dead gray as the fight, and life, seemed to drain out of her the longer she held on.

In my mind, I was screamed at her to let go, thinking that touching him was killing her body and mind. But I watched in horror as the rippling vibrations grew stronger and blew bubbles underneath his skin, exploding with spurts of blood and crushed bone.

I could hear my superiors telling me to subdue her, and at this point, I was terrified of what she could do to everyone.

Without even thinking, I reached out and placed a bare hand on her exposed shoulder.

I could feel the thrum of power just humming under her skin, but it was only just under the surface, it refused to seep into my hands and enter through my system. She turned and gave me a dead stare, her eyes staring into mine.

Let go.

I couldn't believe it. She was fine, if anything, it seemed that I only ticked her off a little. Before I could stop myself, wrapped my arms around her in a tight hug, pulling her shocked form away from De'Vroe and into a sitting position as I sobbed into her shoulder, holding her there.

To her credit, she didn't move, she seemed shell-shocked and unsure of what to make of my sob-racked form, so she remained still and let my crying jag rush through my like a tsunami.

I don't even remember how I ended up back in my cell, but when I was lucid enough to notice where I was, I saw the girl sitting across from me, her arms wrapped around her knees and her gray stare on me.

Why did you hug me? Her lips didn't move, confirming that she was speaking to me through a mental link.

I whipped my eyes and sniffled weakly, smiling brightly as I regarded her. Because I can't hurt you.

She frowned and bowed her head, staying like that for what seemed like hours.

I was about to fall asleep when I heard.

"My name's Alexandria. But I prefer Alex."

By chin trembled as I looked at her stoic face, a face that grew before she even has a chance to.

"I'm Lia. Lia Wilson."

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