Chapter 1// The test

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Hey BTW I'm not a good writer but I'm just doing this for fun. Up above is what I think Calvin looks like... Enjoy!

       There was one test everybody was worried about and it was the test... the test that chose your life style after the test wether you will become a nerd, athlete, teacher, or any other job. You never got to pick what you wanted to be or who you would love, so what's why life Is full of to many suprises.                                                     What if you had to take a test that chose your life?? Who you where going to marry, who you had to be friend with, where you lived, and just about everything. If we broke the rules we would be punished, we don't know what will happen but we never see them again.
1 Week before the test
    Calvin woke up his heart beating fast at the point where he could hear it in his head, he was having the  nightmares again. They haven't been common till recently as it got closer to The Test everybody was scared for it because if you failed the first part your death would await you outside the door.
  Calvin got up and pulled a white muscle tank top over his raggedy arms, his city wasn't rich and he was growing up with four other siblings making it harder for his parents to take care of them.
There was one test everybody was worried about and it was the test... the test that chose your life style after the test wether you will become athlete, teacher, or any other job. You never got to pick what you wanted to be or who you would love, so what's why life Is full of to many suprises.
   Calvin walked down stairs to see his mom making breakfast her auburn hair was pulled into a messy bun. While his mother had Auburn hair and bright green eyes, Calvin got his dad's dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes.
    His mother was making toast with fresh made strawberry Jan which was his favorite. He had school today and dreaded going to it, it was only a week till the test and it was all they talked about.

"Hey Cal how you doing?" His mother asked as she noticed him sitting down in one of the chairs.

"Oh, you know the usual... knowing that there is a percent of death around the corner." He said bluntly.

"You know your going to pass the test!"

"Am not" he replied leaving the room to finish getting ready so he didn't need to answer more questions.

   He hated everybody talking to him about the test it annoyed him, why could they talk about other things such as the next High School Football game that he was going to play. He may be scrawny but he is really fast.

I know this sucks but I am always bored an wanted to try 😂


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2017 ⏰

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