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Unfortunately I have decided to no longer work on this story. I have incorporated some real life issues that I've gone through into it and reading it hurts me and I've made bad decisions of how I wanted to go about this, and it would just take too much time to fix everything, time that I don't have. I'm also no longer interested in writing fan fiction. So I'm sorry for anyone who was keeping up with it and reading it and wanted to read the rest. I can tell you what I had planned for the rest of the plot. Basically they were going to have this huge battle figuring out what started the war between the Keepers of the Realms, and they would fight in that war and fix everything and then there'd be a sequel where Amber and Kevin try the band thing again, which they get gigs in both the real world and the Ghost Town universe. That's all I have to say about this. I'm truly disappointed in my writing of this, due to reasons listed above. I can assure you that if you liked my writing I may get back into writing again so keep a lookout for some new stuff! I will though write and then revise before ever posting because it will make
me much more confident in my writing and then I can just not look at it again and keep writing new stuff so I don't have to worry about cringing at old pieces. But yeah, that's it. Again, I'm sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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