When He Hits You During An Argument (Choi Seunghyun/ T.O.P)

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"I thought I told you he was just a friend!" I yell.

"If you guys were really just friends he wouldn't of been hugging you that way!" He yells back.

"Seunghyun, we're just friends! That hug didn't mean anything!" I scream, getting really pissed off by the way Seunghyun was acting.

"Tell that to the way he looked at you!" He screams, furious, "He was undressing you with his eyes!"

"Are you seriously getting jealous over a friendly hug Seunghyun?!" I scoff, "You're so childish."

"Childish?" He asks harshly, "You were the same way when I met my cousin, the only difference is you two aren't related!"

"He's my best friend Seunghyun! Nothing else!" I scream.

He scoffs before opening his mouth to speak, "It sure didn't seem like he was just a friend."

"Seunghyun you're around gorgeous females all day long when I'm not there, you have to make out with them and pretend like you're in a relationship all the time! But do you see me getting super jealous?!?! No!!!! Do you want to know why? Because unlike you, I'm a mature adult!" I scream at him. Then I feel a sharp pain on my cheek and a force that turns my head to the side. He just slapped me.

I hold my cheek and look at him, mouth agape. Tears flow down my face as bad memories come back to me. Seunghyun looks scared to touch me, like he's going to lose control and break me. I laugh bitterly, not being able to believe he just hit me. I glare at him before storming to our shared room. I hop on the bed, bury myself in blankets and sob. I can't believe he just hit me.

Soon enough, Seunghyun comes into our shared bedroom, I don't look at him.

"Jagi?" He asks.

"Don't jagi me, Seunghyun," I scoff, "You know I have bad memories about abusive relationships yet you have the fucking nerve to hit me."

"I didn't mean to Y/N, I just, something came over me, I knew that I fucked up the second I did it, I'm so sorry," he says, his voice breaking, "I feel terrible, I'm a complete douchebag and I understand if you want to leave me."

I sigh and turn around to a sight I barely ever see, Seunghyun is crying, like hardcore crying, like bawling.

"I'm not going to leave you Seunghyun, it's just, that's a really sensitive topic for me and I just-" I cut myself off, "Anyway, I forgive you, come here."

I open my arms and he crawls next to me in bed and kisses my forehead, "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, you're okay."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2017 ⏰

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