My Best Friend is Straight... Right? (boyxboy)

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"So, when is lame-o going to get here?" Reggie asked, slipping by me and into my room.

"Cabe, will be here after practice. You're going to get punched if you keep calling him names." Not that I really cared much.

"Does it look like I care?" He threw his arms out. No, it didn't look like he cared, he rarely looked like he cared about anything at all. I'd care. Cabe is huge, and being huge generally means big hands, big hands means big fists, big fists means big bruise. But telling Reggie that would mean I probably wouldn't see the day Cabe laid into him -in a non gay way, I mean.

"Nope." I sat on my bed and took out my binder while Reggie made himself comfortable on my bedroom floor.

"So you're really not bothered, huh?" 

I glanced down at Reggie as he sat Indian style with his elbow leaning on his knee and his head on his hand, looking up at me from the floor. Reggie looked ridiculous as he always did, he took his obsession with Lady Gaga to an extreme that day too. His hair was stark white when just yesterday it was weird and yellow, his shirt was white with pink sequins on the shoulders and he was sporting white ripped skinny jeans and hot pink knee high Converse. His outfit looked uncomfortable. "Not bothered by what?"

"The fact that I'm gay." He shrugs.

"Not really. After all that doesn't mean you're into me."

"True." He lifts an eyebrow. "But aren't you worried? That I'll do something to you?"

"Like what?" What could Reggie Roland possibly do to hurt me?

He blinked. "Do you really..." his hand went over his mouth like he was in awe but really he was just holding in a laugh. At what? I had no clue, but it really made me want to punch him in the face.


"Awe! Did Cabe not inform you about how two guys do... that?"

"I don't need Cabe telling me anything!" I knew I disliked Reggie for a reason...

"Really, Tag? Really?" Bastard...

"I-I know how two guys.... do... that," I blushed. How did we even get onto this subject. God, just let me die of mortification now. Strike me dead. Please.

"Well, who doesn't? You just don't know all the...juicy details," he slide his tongue along his bottom lip looking at me intently. I swallowed. 

"Do you want to know?" He continued. "First... hand?" He smirked. All those long dramatic pauses were messing with my head and I was beyond confused. Just what is going on here?

Why do I feel like I'm about to be eaten alive?

[End teaser]


*Hides behind giant rock*

PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! I know this is like, WAY late.... but what can you do....

For those of you who don't know, there was a short 8 page prequel to this! You don't need to read it to read this one, but it'd be nice if you did, and would give you a bit of background history on Cabe and Tag (the two main characters despite the teaser) and Reggie. It's called My Best Friend is Gay?!? GOOO READ IT! Or don't. wutevea.

The first chapter will be up when ever it is. I'm not going to promise a time because I've come to learn when I do that, it actually take me longer... so YEAH! 


Uhm... Yeah! Enjoy :D



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2013 ⏰

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