chapter 1

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☆well its 3:21am and im borded so I did this ×3 nd im eating a poptart soo yeaa.☆



I walk furiously to the dungeon, Loki had some explanation to do. As I enetered the dungeon Loki looked at me with hes foolish grinn. How dare he do this to me.


I see Thor aproching my cell , he doesn't look very happy.

"Ah brother you have come to viset me, at last. Ive been waiting" I gave him a big smile. He approached the cell and threw an empty box of poptarts. It hit the cell . I laughed and asked

"What is this brother?"

"loki is this some kind of sick joke!?"

he yelled.

I laughed, a fake laugh.

"i dont know what your talking about, brother".

Thor tries to brake open the cell with his two fists, but fails miserably due to the magical force.


I tried to brake open the cell with my two fists, but failed. Loki just sat, watching me, he was intertainded, but how coulde he?

"Loki I demand an explanation!"

"an explanation for something I didnt do?"

"you know well what you did brother, it was a gift from lady Jane!"

"and I dont see why im in this"

"you ate all of the poptarts!"


Wow, im impressed he figured it out very quickly, haha. But it was just a joke a foolish prank. I have to admit the poptart tasted very charming delightful, the sweet taste of it was good. it made me happy.

"wait" Thor interrupted my moment.

"how did you get out of the cell?"

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