The Sun; The Moon

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Both are pretty,
Just like you.
But one is just what you are,
And one is just a mask.
The Sun is happiness,
The Moon, sadness.
You have your surrounding friends,
But they don't know what's wrong.
They try to help,
But they wouldn't understand.
So, you don't tell.
You are the Moon,
Your mask is the Sun.
In the morning you can show both,
But mostly the happiness.
In the middle of the day, or when you are around your friends,
You wear your mask.
Crying and dying on the inside,
You cry yourself to sleep.
How do I know all of this you ask?
Because I'm just like you.
You want to get ride of that wanting,
And you try, but it comes back.
You try, but you never succeed,
But thats ok,
Because you defy this law,
And you do succeed!
But one day,
Your wish will come true,
And you won't want it to.
But if you wish, you recieve.
And at least you will go,
When your emotion is truly shown.
When you no longer cry yourself to sleep,
When you don't wish for what you wished for would happen.
When you pour out your feelings.
When you LOVE is when it will happen.
You will have experienced everything,
Fear, sorrow, sadness, and everything that corresponds.
And after all that you will love,
and be free.
Free of all things that sadden you.
You will fight with your partner,
But you will never split up.
Do you know why?
Because love.
It binds you together like velcro.
You will always stick together.
That's what holds the Sun and the Moon together.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2016 ⏰

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