The Inevitable Destiny of Two Strangers

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The clouds above were gray. Humidity hung in the air. Thunder rumbled.

Slowly by slowly, tear-shaped raindrops plinked to the ground. Then they started to fall faster and faster, that they seemed to want to seep through her epidermis.

She ran for cover under a shed.

Out of nowhere, she caught a figure by her side. She didn't notice it as she entered the lonely and only shelter she could find.

She couldn't help herself but look.

He had big blue eyes, as if the vast Pacific Ocean lent its color to his irises.

He gave her a quick glance, and just like what destiny usually does, she gave him one, too.

They were magnets, drawn to each other.

He was the North pole, she was the South.

No words were uttered, no movements were made.

They were both frozen to their spots.

Then suddenly, as if by magic, the clouds changed course and navigated onwards.

The rain stopped.

The sun shone again, the air grew warm again.

The thoughts in her mind battled against each other. Will she make the move?  Will she be the first one to utter a word and maybe, be the one start to unravel their spool of destiny? Or will he?

Her leg muscles started to move. Maybe, she will be the unraveller.

But she stopped.

He walked away.

He walked away like nothing ever happened. Like they never laid eyes on each other. Like they were never magnets.

Maybe, she was just overthinking about the attraction. Maybe, our destiny turned out to be repulsion.

She knew she liked him.

She knew she liked the boy.

She knew she liked the guy with the big ocean blue eyes.

She knew she liked the North pole.

She knew she liked a total stranger.

And she knew she may never see him again.

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