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Welcome to The Silvan Chronicles.

This is a companion book to The Silvan and ultimately, to Arcane Land. As such, you may find some minor spoilers so if you haven't read those books and you think you may want to, you could still read the chronicles first.

This idea was born while artwork was (and still is) being commissioned for The Silvan. The question I asked myself was, do I just insert the portraits in the relevant story part? Or do I showcase them separately.

Eventually, I came to the conclusion that they deserve a special place, even though I will, of course, incorporate them into the novel - that was, after all, the whole point of commissioning art.

The portraits are ongoing and as such, chronicles will only be submitted when a piece of art is finished. Primarily, they will be of the members of The Company, but eventually, I can see myself including Lassiel, Narosen, Handir, Rinion, Maeneth...

It think it is going to be fascinating to get your feedback, not only on the writing but the artwork, especially if you have read The Silvan. Was that how you imagined Rhrawthir to be? Was that the bow you imagined Hwindo shooting?

Please join the chronicles and leave your own words for posterity.



Artwork: The wonderful Idnernamharra

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