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Shelby POV

Today is the day I'm moving in with Max and Chesses. I need to get out of my parent house now because I am 23. The drive to Max's house was long about two and a half hour. When I got to the house Max was waiting for me outside.
"Hi Shub." Max said hugging me.
"Hi Max!" I yelled hugging him back. Max and I went inside and I saw Chesses and there two little children Dan and Sara.
"Hi Aunt Shubble!!" Dan yelled running to give me a hug.
"Hi Danny." I said hugging him. I was happy that Max let me stay with him. "Hi Aunt Shelby." Sara said.
"Hi Sara." I said hugging her.
"So Shelby when do you want to go look at kids?" Max ask.
"Tomorrow Max but right now I'm hunger." I said laughing.
"When are not!" Max yelled laughing. After we were done eating I read Dan a bedtime story. After he fall asleep I went to the living room and sat next to Chesses.
"Thanks for letting me stay here." I said.
"No prob Bob." Chesses said laughing. After a bit of talking with Max and Chesses I went to bed. "Can't wait of tomorrow." I thought to myself.


Hey people I'm sorry if this story sunk but if you like it please tell me

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