Meeting an Unlikely Partner

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Umm...Ok. I got no excuse for disappearing off the face of the Earth for what, 2-3 months? Anyways...I got bored, okay? I didn't want to be stuck writing back and forth new chapters for my two Star Wars Rebels  AU's, and reading Harry Potter for the first time didn't help either. I got swept off my feet with the genius and creativity of J.K. Rowling and read a lot of fanfiction, so I decided until I get back into the swing of things in my other stories, which I will put on hold, I'll be writing this one! I have some ideas for my other stories, it's just that I don't feel like they're good enough to upload. SO! Without further interruption, I present-THE FIRST CHAPTER!

As everyone was filling into the Great Hall to see who's name got pulled from the Goblet of Fire, the Golden Trio was sitting and discussing who they thought got picked. Well, two of them were. Harry Potter on the other hand was in a different world, thinking of who would be worthy of competing in the tournament. He was so in his own world that he missed when all the competitors were called and told to go to into the room behind the door on the stage. He even missed when his own name was called. That is, until Hermione shook him out of his daze.

"Harry? Harry!"

"Huh? What?" Harry snapped out of his daydream to notice that everyone was staring at him.

"Please, come up here."

He turned to see Dumbledore staring at him, telling him to come up onto the platform where the other professors were. He stays seated for a little while before getting up, but before he can start walking towards the platform, the Goblet of Fire turns multiple colors before another piece of parchment come out. Dumbledore catches it. He looks at it then calls out another name-

"Viper Dragonbone."

Everyone from every table looks around and whispers start up.

"A Dragonbone? Here?"

"Why didn't we hear about one in the sorting?"

"How did one even get in here?"

"Which house are they in?"

These kind of questions were asked and no seemed to have an answer for even one of them.When no one came up to claim their name, Dumbledore raised his wand and casted a spell that had a strange colorful light coming from the tip of it. The whispers went down until there was no sound left in the Great Hall. It stayed in the air for a little bit before swishing over to the Gryffindor table and headed near the first years before going around a small kid with his head in a book that was purple on the outside.Ginny was near him and she tapped his shoulder. He looked up then marked the page he was reading before closing the book entirely.

"Ah.Viper Dragonbone? Please come up here. You too, Mr. Potter."

Both boys stood up and walked past the staring eyes of all the houses. As they walked, Harry, along with everyone else, got a good look at the little first year.

He was very small, barely made it to Harry's knees,and had chocolate skin. He had black hair that seemed dark brown and dark red when the light hit it correctly. He had spiky bangs that covered a little of his eyes then it was cut short to the nape of his neck in the back. He was wearing the traditional Hogwarts robes on with jeans and a black shirt with a red dragon on it. He would look almost normal, if not for his eyes. His left eye was a mix between dark midnight and dark ocean blue. His right was slightly covered by his hair but you could still make out the vibrant blood red eye that seemed to glow. They arrived at the platform and looked at the headmaster.

"Please,"He points to the door where the other champions were inside. "go on."

They go through the door and the champion from Beauxbatons- Fluer Delacour Harry remembered- looked at them before speaking with a heavy french accent.

"Oh, do they vant us to go back outside?" She asked.

"No, that won't be necessary, Ms.Delacour."

Harry turned around to see all his professors and the three headmasters of the other schools come through the door. The foreign headmaster and headmistress stopped short of three feet away from the little first year, (Viper, he think his name was?) and went to stand near their students.

"...As we all can see, we have a problem, and it is very unfortunate that two of my best students have been the victims of said problem with the Goblet of Fire." Dumbledore began.

"Accident? This can't have been an accident! Er-I mean..." Kreacher stuttered turning a shade paler when that first year glanced at him.

The rest of the meeting went similar to this, debating wether three champions of Hogwarts were to compete in the tournament. After a few questions, threats, and some shouting, the two boys were finally allowed to go to their house.

"Well...that was interesting." Harry said to the little kid. But, the first year didn't respond with his voice, only a nod.

"...I'm guessing you don't talk. Your name is Viper, right?" A nod. "Well, it's nice to meet you. Sorry if this seems offensive to you but...why was everyone whispering about you like you were some legend?"

Viper stopped walking. Harry stopped as well and was about to apologize for being nosy, when he was silenced with Viper putting up his hand then being handed what looked like a notebook. Viper opened it up,turned it to a certain page before pointing to a section of writing that was written in what, Harry hoped not, was blood used as ink. He was about to start reading it when he felt that he was being pushed into a hole before landing ungracefully on a cold hard floor.  

Sorry this was put up really early in the morning, I was at my grandma's house for Thanksgiving. Anyways...until next update!

A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (DISCONTINUED! LOOK FOR SECOND ONE FOR BETTER PLOT)Where stories live. Discover now