Chapter 1

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"When you look at the moon, melissa, what do you see?"
"Well, for a start it's beautiful, bright and it makes a nice shimmering light on the top of the water."
Melissa pluched her hand in the bright blue waters and swiped it onto gray's legs. Immediatly gray looked up at her and stared deep into her iluminous blue eyes.
"Its on!" He said as he raced over to the shore of the sea and kicked the water all over melissa's face. At first she was annoyed but slowly started to fish the laughter that gray had left for her. The two were in hysteria and started flicking water at each other with their feet ingulphed into the soggy sand. Then as melissa kicked the water, she lost her balance and fell back into the water.
"Ah, life guard, save me!"
"Coming!" said gray has he dived fowards into the wet water and pulled melissa up out of the water.
"God, it's freezing out here, maybe we should head back."
"You know what melissa, i've had fun."
"Yeah, me too. I just can't believe that your moving to my school, we'll have to catch up! By the way, why did you move."
"well, uh..., i'm not sure. It was my grandad's idea though." Gray replied unsure of what to say. They both started to walk up the grassy hill, in which melissa kept lossing her grip. She hung on tight to gray's arm as he pulled her up.
"Thanks for that, well i guess i'll be seeing you tommorow!" Said melissa as she walked off into fhe distance. Gray looked up at the moon as if to ask for direction, took a deep breath and started to walk towards his house. When he arrived, he opened the door and there was silence.
"Grandad, hello." The silence devoured his voice in seconds. As he walked further into the house it seemed to get quieter with every step. Then he scenced somthing creeping up behind him. The wind was blowing behind his neck, touching him...
"Hi gray."
"AHHH! What the... don't scare my like that grandad." Gray's grandad was an ex-engineer in the army and worked as an electrition. His amazing but dangerous invention got him fired 20 years ago.
"Sorry i was just out getting some supplies for my product."
"What is this 'project'?"
"I'll tell you in the morning, now go to bed! You've got a big day tommorow!"
"Yeah, yeah, i know," replied gray who was slowly dragging himself up the stairs. He went into the bathroom, splashed his face and brushed his teeth before jumping into bed. The wind was cold and it blew into the open window. It sent chills down gray's spine. The moon shone brightly down onto the floor.
"Better make a good impression tommorow, i don't need to make anymore trouble," gray whispered to himself. He laid back and sank into the pillow and shut his eyes...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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