Mamma knows best. Chapter 1

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I felt so cold,so dark-tainted, but then i suppose that is what i am. I never would of dreamed this was even possible, to change so completely. I stared, mouth a gap in horror at my once pale skin. What had she done to me?! I whimpered.

"Darling, it really isn't as bad as you think. You'll get use to it, I'm positive you'll be overjoyed after your first feeding." She reassured. This monster, who I thought would be my saviour... I'd been so stupid, so gullible, so desperate and now i had to pay the price -my human life and possible my humanity.

"Wh-wh-what did you do to me? What a-am I?" I stuttered, trying urgently to force my tears back and hating that I was showing such weakness. This wasn't me, snap out of it Lilith! With all my inner strength, I commanded my muscles to obey, straightening from my slumped cowering. I held my chin up high. I wasn't giving up without a fight, never! 

"Good girl, I knew I chosen the right daughter. Now come along and I'll tell you everything." She cooed, smirking. I felt nausea stabbing in my stomach, as I began to panic.

"I'm not going anywhere with you, lady! Not till you tell me what the hell you did to me!" I spat furiously, as panic turned to fury.  She humphed, before sighing in defeat.

"Fine, fine. Sit down first through." I stayed where I was, the more distance the better. She waited for a few seconds before becoming impatient and physical dragging me as I struggled viciously but my strength was no match for hers and she shoved me into a black swirly chair.

"No respect! Didn't that foster home teach you anything? Manners? Etiquette? Obviously not.... Well, as I was saying-I only triggered your Succubus gene to become active. If i hadn't you would of stayed demi-human" She finished in disgust, like she thought she had saved me. I felt my now blazing indigo eyes widen.

"Succubus? ... Is-is that a ...demon?" I choked. SHE MADE ME INTO A DEMON! Terror's icy embrace enveloped my new curvy figure,juddering the muscles in my back. She tsked.

"You say it like it's a bad thing. Now you have the power to back up your attitude." She winked. I growled, how dare she behavior like what she did was a gift, no this is a curse.

"Honey, calm down. I didn't realise you'd be this grumpy. Hmmm..." She mumbled sounding surprisingly concerned. That's when the  flames began to lick at my body, burning with such intensity that my quivering muscles could no longer support me. I slowly crumbled over,melting out of the chair to the solid tile floor. I didn't notice the snarling whimpers teasing out of my scorched throat. My whole attention was attached to the dimming light as I was writhed into unconsciousness. Only just catching the monster's knowing mutter; as she picked me up, cradling me as if i really were her baby.

"Ahhh, how could I forget.... First hunger.

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