Existential Crisis

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Phil's POV

I'm sitting on my room, when I see a tweet that Dan wrote.

I hate everything about myself.

That makes me so sad. I love Dan. I love him too much for words. When Dan is upset, it breaks me. I read the time. 2 am. I wrap my duvet around myself and go to Dan's room, knocking quietly before going inside.

He is sitting up in his bed, wiping away tears.
"I'm fine Phil. Go back to sleep." He croaks. I just ignore him and sit next to him on his bed, spreading the duvet over both of us.

"I'm seriously fine." He says as I hold him close for a few moments.
"Don't lie to me." I murmer. "I saw your tweet." I say.

"I'm sorry." He says. "It's so true though." He says.
"I don't even know why you think that." I tell him.

"I don't know why you think otherwise. I mean, look at me. I'm a mess. I just drag everyone and everything down with me." He says.

"No no no! Dan, you listen to me. You are worth the world to me. You are funny, and smart, and adorable. I don't know why you or anyone else would think badly of you." I tell him. He starts crying.

"I just feel so useless Phil. One day, you and everyone else I love will be dead. I just can't bear the thought of it." He sobs.

"Shhh, shh. Everything's alright bear. Everything is fine." I sooth. I run my fingers through his slightly wavy hair.

"I love you Dan, and that's all that matters." I say.

"Y-you do?" Dan questions.
"Of course I do. I just wish you could too." I say.
"There is nothing to love, Phil." He wimpers.

''What are you talking about!? There is everything to love about you. You are so amazing, Dan. You are adorkable, funny, nice, and you are my favorite person in the whole world." I say. He sniffs, and gives a small smile. His sad dimple pops up. I smile at that.

"Dan, I love when you smile." I say, tracing his dimples as he smiles more.
"I love it when you don't straighten your hobbit hair." I tell him as I run my fingers through it.
"I love your eyes." I say while stroking his tearstained cheeks. My hands are on either side of his face. His warm brown eyes stare into my blueish-green ones.

This is all so right. I have an idea.
"I love your nose." I say, kissing the tip of his nose lightly. He smiles and blushes.
"I love your lips." I whisper. Then our lips touch. They're so soft. He tastes of his tears, and a bit like mint. It's so perfect. When we pull away, Dan is blushing bright pink, and he's also smiling.

"I love you so much, Dan. I've always been too scared to admit that I love you more than a friend does, but now you know. You matter so much to me, and it hurts my heart whenever you're sad." I tell him truthfully.

"I love you too Phil." Dan murmers. I hug him to me again. We both settle into his bed. I whisper sweet nothings to him. Before we fall asleep, I see Dan go onto his Twitter and delete the tweet from earlier. Before I drift away completely, I kiss him on the lips. I wonder if we are a thing now. I hope so.

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