Chapter 1.

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Kalius stumbles out of a back alley, into the town square of Aranim, behind some boxes. A bottle of faygo in hand, Kailus is shitfaced.
He tries to jump over a box, failing miserably, and landing at the feet of Paadva. Paadva walked out of the back alley, while wiping some sort of genetic material from his mouth. He doesn't quite understand the motives of the drunken subjuggulator slumped on the floor, it is but a mystery to him.
Paadva tries to comfort Kalius, until, two lime bloods sprint past, knocking Paadva from his feet.
Moments later, a heavy looking legislasorator sprints past, probably chasing those pesky lime bloods.
Kalius and Paadva decide to follow, seeing as the legis requested their help in chasing those pesky lime bloods.

They all caught up in the town center, in the middle of a massive crowd of people. Kalius, Paadva and the legis begin a fight with the two. It seems Kalius had forgotten that he was a drunken bastard and couldnt harm a fly. One of the lime bloods starts forcing Kalius into the air, then proceeding to drop him onto the ground. These lime bloods were smart.

Off to the side sat Kantra Veunus, a shy, yet arrogant rust blood. He wanted to prove his worth after changing identities.
He was willing to take on the legis, he knew his way around the law and that he'd do it perfectly. Forgetting about his quite obvious weapons in the bag on his side, he storms in, taking Kalius' faygo bottle, proceeding to bonk them all on the heads, however he only manages to bonk the legis, the bottle loses all effect after that hit.
The lime bloods decide Kantra is on their side, and after the legis has knocked him down, they lift him up. However Kantra thinks they are trying to manipulate him, so he force stops the levitating, he knows how this goes.
The lime bloods quickly say they were just helping him up and they all continue to attack.

Kalius and Paadva decide to switch sides, they've had enough of fighting by the law.
Kantra remembers his weapons, two deadly sickles and a war hammer, he proceeds the double take the legis, swiping him with the sickles while also bonking him on the head.
Kantra deals enough damage to kill the man, but decides that he should just be knocked out instead.
They loot the unconscious body, the lime bloods sprint away laughing, while thanking Kantra for his doings.

Suddenly, two other heavy looking legislasorators come storming their way, ready to arrest who they must.

They question Kantra first, Kantra insists he didn't do it, they believe him strangely enough.

However Kalius and Paadva weren't as convincing and get taken away by the legis'.
They take Kantra to the constabulary stables, where Kantra gets to pick up Boo the Barkfiend, the good dog, best friend.
Kantra rides out of the stables on Boos back, riding down to the city center once more.
He catches up with Kalius and Paadva, they have been let off the hook for now.

The three of them decide to ride down to a bar, or is it a strip club? The name "The Biclops Bosom" leaves it up to interpretation.
They each enter with the stupidest of greetings, although Paadva is "not really feeling up to it right now sorry"

Kalius enters with a loud, and slightly proud: "wHErE iS tHe BoOzE?"

Kantra with a very sophisticated yet joking: "hello my fine ladies where are thy bosoms"

Everybody ignored the drunken subjuggulator, while flashing simultaneously for Kantra.
Kalius was in a trance from the boobs surrounding him.

The first chapter ends here, many more is yet to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2016 ⏰

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