January 1st 2014

26 1 5

"three.....two......one..... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!"

We hold up our drinks, toasting to a new year, a new beginning. Heck, we all need it.

Lilli jumps onto my back, and together, as a group, we run around the empty streets, screaming at the top of our lungs.

The town is dark, and deserted. We're completely isolated from the rest of the world.

Everyone's in the city, partying. Not us. 

It's the one night of the year where we can do as we please.

We are wild, we are crazy, we are hooligans.

Dean grins, his eyes meeting mine. My heart flutters, and I look away, blushing profusely. 

He begins to say something, but is interrupted by Willow grabbing my hands. 

"Lets dance" she whispers in my ear.

We all begin to spin. Our heads tipping back, the world turning before our eyes.

I feel happy, free, and.... slightly faint.

We collapse onto the cold ground, wet from the melting snow. 

Staring up at the constellations, we laugh. 

The Earth has once again circled the sun, in a second, we entered a new year, filled with new adventures and possibilities.

I try not to think of the lingering voice in the back of my head, and Dean, who's looking right at me. I push them out of my mind. It's 2014, a new year, a new Tom.

It may sound naive, but I'm determined to forget about the past year.

I turn my gaze to Willow, kissing her cheek. 

I may not feel anything with her, but maybe that's the point.

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