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Bernie shudders at the vibrations Serena's words send through her. 'Ignore him' is all she could really make out, she feels Serena press harder against her as she moves a hand away to close the blinds, not wanting the whole of AAU to witness this truely special moment between the two surgeons. Bernie feels herself being pulled closer, closer than she realised she could be. Serena let's out a quiet moan as their breasts brush against each other, through the far too many layers of clothing they're both wearing.

'S... Serena I don't want to go, I want to be with you... if you'll have me'

Serena answered in the only way she could think of in this moment, and pressed her lips to Bernie's for another passionate kiss. Serena's hands travelling up and down Bernie's sides, slightly brushing her torso, longing for skin on skin contact. Bernie pulled away and let out a shaky breath, the corners of her glorious mouth turning up into a smile.

'Serena we can't do this here' Bernie said with a hint of longing in her words

'Can't do what here Major?, what are you trying to imply' Serena said with an eyebrow raised, clearly trying to coax out of Bernie what they both wanted so much.

'I think you know perfectly well what I'm talking about. Now get your coat I'm talking you home'

Serena pulled on her scarf and coat, then longingly watched Bernie pull on her khaki trench. Bernie reached out for the door handle, then struggled to open the door.
Remembering that Jason had locked them in Serena pulled out her phone from her pocket and texted Jason.

<Jason as much as we appreciate it can you please let us out now?>

Jason appeared almost immediately at the door with a solemn look on his face.

'I told you Auntie Serena, I lost the key'

Bernie and Serena looked at each other and smirked, Serena reaching for the phone on her desk to call security.

She reasoned with the security guard until they came down with the spare key.

Serena, Jason and Bernie all piled into Serena's car, already decided to go to Serena's as to not disrupt Jason's beloved routine. Bernie really didn't mind, as she'd been to their house a few time to pick up paperwork and have a quick coffee. Serena's house was homely and welcoming, and Bernie wouldn't rather be anywhere else.

Gravel crunching as they pulled up in her driveway, Serena got out of the car to retrieve a box of patient notes from the back of her car. Bernie and Jason went ahead to the door and waited patiently for Serena to come with the keys. Bernie and Jason had been talking the whole car ride about worlds strongest man, and how Jason thought Bernie could be on it.

Serena let Bernie into the kitchen and got out tonight's dinner from the freezer. Bernie smiled as she thought about the domesticity of it all, cooking (or maybe just heating up) food together, spending time together with Jason.

'Now about dessert, I'm afraid I don't have anything suitable' Serena gave Bernie the sorry smile she loved so much, and Bernie seized the opportunity to take matters into her own hands.

'I have some ideas' Bernie winked before briefly looking Serena up and down, eyes lingering over the swell of her breasts and back up to her beautiful jawline.

Serena gave a flirty giggle, and put dinner in the microwave. Once the food was warm, they joined Jason in the living room to watch some quiz shows while eating. Bernie finished hers before Serena, so she placed her bowl down on the coffee table and picked up the glass of wine. Taking a long sip she marvelled in the exquisite taste. Of course Serena would have only the best wine, who was she kidding to think otherwise. Serena collected Bernie's bowl and stacked it on top of hers, taking them to the kitchen to put them in the dishwasher.

When she came back into the living room Bernie and Jason were blurting out answers to the quiz before Stephen Fry could even ask the questions, she laughed at this, and was delighted to see that Jason liked Bernie. She was hoping that he'd be okay spending more time with Bernie, because Serena wanted to ask Bernie to move in with them. Although they'd only shared a few kisses Serena had well and truly fallen in love with Bernie. In a way she never knew she could. She'd never felt this passionate about someone before, and was finding it confusing to come to terms with it herself. But at this point she didn't care about anyone else or what they thought or said. She was with Bernie, and that made her feel eternally safe and secure.

She grabbed Bernie's hand and pulled her to a standing position, signalling to her that she wanted this. Bernie simply nodded and smiled, squeezing her hand a little tighter.

'Jason, Bernie and I are just going upstairs to fill in some paperwork, okay?'

'Okay Auntie Serena and I promise not to lock you two in, if you aren't already'
He said with a smirk and a giggle.

Bernie let go of Serena's hand as not to make it too obvious, and made her way to where she thought Serena's bedroom would be. Once they were up the stairs, Serena grabbed Bernie's shoulders from behind and turned her away from the direction she was heading in, and led her the right way into the bedroom.

As soon as Bernie heard the door lock she pressed Serena up against the wall, kissing her in a passionate but wanton way. She hooked Serena's legs round her hips and lifted her up.
Still kissing her, Bernie walked over to the bed and lay Serena down with a thump, they both laughed at this, until it was cut short by their lips meeting again in a passionate kiss. Bernie lay on top of Serena, using her body weight to press them together, feeling their body's grind against each other Bernie started unbuttoning Serena's blouse, while Serena's surgeons fingers made quick work of Bernie's black top. Soon they were both pressing against each other again, their bare nipples hard and rubbing together, Serena was letting out small moans and whimpers, desperate for more contact. She moved her hand down to Bernie's jeans, fiddling with the waistband until Bernie lifted her hips so that she could slide them down her legs. Bernie found herself taking Serena's pants off and throwing them over her head in a desperate attempt not to spend too long away from Serena's lips. She slowly toyed with the last layer separating them, a pair
of black lace panties, almost as if Serena had planned this and worn them for a reason. She slid her finger over Serena's soaking wet panties and heard a small moan escape from her lovers lips. Not being able to stand the teasing much longer, Serena pushed her own hands down into Bernie's simple back panties, instantly finding the wetness that had spread to her clit. Serena rubbed in circles around it, obtaining small whimpers from Bernie as she pushed  her hips down into Serena's fingers, desperate for her. Serena gives into Bernie and easily pushes one, then two fingers inside her, feeling Bernie contract and relax around her. She hears her moan into her mouth, making her even more desperate for Bernie to touch her. As she feels Bernie bucking her hips and arching her back she curls her fingers slightly, getting a scream from Bernie and she comes on Serena, panting and whimpering into Serena's mouth.

After a minute cuddling Serena to recover, she pushes down Serena's lace panties to reveal her dropping wet. She slides two fingers inside of her, a small moan coming from Serena's mouth. Bernie inches her way down to meet her fingers with her mouth, toying Serena's clit with her tongue, Serena gasps and grips onto the sheets as Bernie slowly takes her throbbing clit into her mouth, sucking on it while her tongue tickles the tip. Serena comes fast, faster than Bernie was expecting and she can feel Serena on her chin, obviously she isn't complaining. They lie down next to each other, still slowly panting and Serena rests her head on Bernie's shoulder.

'Bernie... that was amazing'
'I know'
'I..I don't know how to show you'
Bernie looked quizzicality down at Serena
'How much you mean to me, I don't know how to show you how much I love you Bernie' Serena blurts out.
'It's okay, you don't have to, I know. I'm sorry for leaving you, I'm sorry for doing the wrong things, I was rubbish. But I'm determined to make it up to you, I love you more Serena'

And with that they both fell asleep, legs intertwined and content.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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