"Hello Mrs.Everdeen."

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"Let it fly Mrs.Everdeen, Let it fly."
        The arena crashes she did she, she found the secret of the game makers you can get out but if you want to I hope you can fly.
       Unfortunately the Capitol gets to the Mocking Jay: Katniss Everdeen before the rebels who want peace and equality fail to get our hero
      Katniss wakes up in a small glass box with what looks like, Wait yes, yes it is! Mr.Plutarch Hevansbee on a television I remember him he was a game maker in fact ,the quarter quell head game maker! I eat up every word he says.
"We would like the rebel Mocking Jay Katniss Everdeen Mellark to report right to district 13 we need her they do. I, I I stammer what I'm a mocking jay,  I turn there sits Peeta looking sick like he did in the first arena.
"Oh Peeta!"
Forgetting there is a glass wall I run right toward him.
"Katniss no," he yells "he will come."
" Well hello Mrs.Everdeen "
I turn and there stands President snow
"We are glad to see you awake."
     This is not to my surprise to see President Snow. Is this what happens to all the dead tributes or are they all really dead! I can't help but wonder, I can't help but ask,
" Is this hell?"
"Hahahahaha, Mrs.Everdeen no and I fail to see the confusion, ah why don't you and Mr.Mellark," he makes a gesture to Peeta who still on the other hand looks like he might puke any second but has developed and shaking feature a sense that he might cry but I don't think that's from his fever, "  Come with me ,Mr. Flickerman has scheduled a interview with the star-crossed lovers from district twelve!" He chuckles to himself and mutters something about getting us "camera ready we look terrible!" We walk down the hall around to where our old dressing rooms from the games where I can tell they are from the quarter quell, President Snow shows me my room and watches me walk in, so I don't get the chance to run away I believe his exact words where " So you don't run away and leave Mr.Mellark here all alone," I would tell Peeta to run for it and we could try but I see a small whip poking out of President Snows pocket, and it seams to have Peeta in some sort of a trance he keeps to looking at it like it's his death weapon judging by the way he's looking at it it's probably been used on or around him and he doesn't want it to happen again. I walk in, and the last person in the whole entire world is standing there waiting for me, my old designer, Cinna!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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