Happy Birthday!!❤

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ChanYeol's POV

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ChanYeol's POV

     Where is everybody? I called Baekhyun but he didn't answer. I tried calling the other members but they didn't answer.....

    My stomach growled loudly. Gosh when was the last time I ate!? I decided to go to the corner store to buy some food.  I walk out of my house, getting ready to go buy some snacks and a chocolate bubble tea. I out on my black converse and walk out.

       As I walk I put some music on. When I open the doors to the store I immediately fall in love with the smell. Vanilla!! I get sour cream and onion Pringles, coca cola, some ice cream...cuz I love ice cream,......gummy bears. I look around one more time to see if I want anything else. OOH!!! I can never forget my hot Cheetos!! I pay for everything, the guy gives me a bag to put my stuff in. Along with that he gives me a card. I give him a confused look. He smiles then turns around to get something. "Thank you." Is all I say. I then go home to open the card.

           Go to the park at 5:00 pm today. I scrunch my eyebrows. The hell?! I look at the clock its only 12:30. Ugh!! Why do I have to wait!? Oh well. I turn on the TV to watch some Sponge Bob...........what!? Just because I'm 23 doesn't I can't watch Sponge Bob! Something doesn't seem right. I shrug off the weird feeling and open my Pringles and sip some cola. I'm watching when all of a sudden my phone rings. I look at the clock, 1:20. "Annyeong. Yeobseo?" It was silent for a couple seconds all I can hear is breathing. Its like those annoying horror movies where a stupid girl still opens the door when she knows Michael Myer's is on the other side with a chainsaw. I look at the caller ID. Unknown. "Who is this? Can you like talk?" Then I hear a chuckle. Then a scared voice. "ChanYeol you have to come fast!!!" It was obviously fake cause why would a chuckle come from the victim? But the voice sounded like it was Baekhyun.

     You know that feeling you feel like you know the person over the phone but don't want to say is this____ because your afraid that it may not be the person that you had in mind? Well that's the type of feeling I'm having right now. "How do you know my name?" I say. "ChanYeol are freaking dumb!? Its Baek!! I'm at my house right now!! Come over now! Before they hurt any of us!!" I get kind of worried. "Are you watching Sponge Bob!?" I turn to the TV and there you can see Sponge Bob laughing his regular laugh. I say, "Just because I'm 23 doesn't mean anything! I can still watch Patrick be dumb! And squid ward be done with life."

"Whatever. Just hurry!"
"OK." Just when I think he hung up I say, "Hard a.ss"
"What you call me!!!" Shoot. Doesn't matter if he's in trouble Baek will still hit me for calling him names 😂.

Baekhyun's POV

I can not believe that boy just called me a hard a.ss!!

(A/N I do not curse. I'm just using these words for the book...sorry🤗🤗 also this is during daylight savings end.)

    "What's taking him so long!?" Sehun whispered/yelled. I look at my phone. 4:45. I look out to see that the sun has set!! What the actual F!! I call him. "Yeobseo?" He answers. "ChanYeol you butt!! Where are you!! I'm going to the park really quick. I'll be there in a second." Oh that's right I left a card there saying that he's stupid. Kekeke! I'm laughing inwardly. "Well...what did he say?" I look over to Kai. "He's going to the park to get the card. Then he's coming over. He is really dumb! What if we were dying!?" Suho says, " He would obviously go to the park first." We all laugh. The eight of us wait for a second. Seconds turn into minutes.

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