The Lost Boy (Peter Pan/Once Upon a time fanfic.)

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Hook sat at the chair in his cabin, his eyes were red, puffy, and stinging. He had been crying, a thing no one saw him do, which was part of the reason he was in his cabin. He stared at the baby girl in the cot on the other side of the room, sucking happily on her thumbs. His beautiful baby girl was left without a mother. She had bright blue eyes and golden hair; he wondered how something so pure and beautiful could come from something like him. 

He wondered what he would do with her? What would happen to her? A life on this ship was nothing for her. She needed a proper life, to grow up with proper children. He didn't want her to grow up at risk everyday, stuck on this ship with no one but old men to keep her company.

He got up from his chair and walked over to the baby. She looked up at him with her big eyes, a smile forming on her face. He smiled back down at her, tears pricking his eyes once again. He scooped the baby and the blanket she was wrapped in, in his arms. She started to make raspberry noises and clapping her hands together.

"I promise Thalia, I don't want to do this, but it's no life for a little lady like yourself," The baby grabbed his finger and started to suck on it. "I swear I will always come to visit you every time I can and I will kill the dark one, for what he did to us, leaving me without the love of my life and leaving you, without a mother. And don't worryabout never knowing what your mother was like, I'll tell you stories of how amazing she was and how wonderful. I'll write to you every day I can't see you grow up, I just want you to have the best chance."

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