Reading into your soul.

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 Words thrown at the heart of a young teenage girl, the taunts and the teases. They never stopped. Come graduation she thought it would change but it didn't. Zoe could hear the water rushing beneath the bridge; see the rocks that would probably end her life.. She wondered what people would think when they found her, the girl with no identity She had made sure, her pockets were empty of identification so they wouldn’t notify her foster parents. Nobody knew her in this stupid town, her boss at the coffee-shop she worked at, still thought her name was Linda. She took a deep breath and climbed on the railing, she hoisted herself and looked down.  So this is what it felt like, to be on the edge of dying. She took one deep breath, preparing herself to jump off when a horn honked in back of her. She turned around to see a lady getting out of her car and coming to see her.

“ Crap.” She muttered under her breath. She tried to appear normal and put on a smile.

“ Might want to get down from there, you could fall and it wouldn’t end well.” Zoe wondered what the woman’s reaction would be if she told her, that was exactly what she intended on doing.

“ I’m fine, there’s no need to worry.” Just to put the woman at ease, she got down from the ledge, and leaned against the railing.

“ Are you sure you’re okay? Do you want me to give you a ride back into town.” The lady looked at her with her blue jay color eyes as if she actually cared about her.

“No it’s okay. I need the exercise.” Zoe just wanted her to go already, she just wanted to get it over with. Just as the lady was about to leave, the lady’s eyes darted to her wrists, she had forgotten to wear a long sleeve shirt, thinking she wouldn’t see anyone.

“ Those are really old. It’s nothing.” Why wouldn’t the lady leave already?

“ It doesn’t look like nothing ,I can tell those aren't old."

“ Look lady, it really isn’t anyone of your business. I’m fine okay and even if I wasn’t it’s none of your business.”

“Look me in the eye and tell me you’re fine.” Zoe looked down at her dirty sneakers, scared that if she looked at the lady one more time she might break down into tears.

“You’re invading my privacy, I was just trying to have a peaceful afternoon by myself.  Is that so hard to ask?”

“I’ll leave you alone if you tell me you’re fine.” Zoe had no other choice , but to do it.

“I’m...”Before she could finish her sentence, she bursted into tears, she tried to put on a brave face but it was just too hired. The lady led her to the car, for some strange reason Zoe followed her and didn't even struggle.

"Why are you helping me."


"Because I have to."


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2014 ⏰

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