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10 years ago.
"Do you promise me that's you'll never forget me?" The brown haired irish woman questioned the aussie embracing her.
"I promise, like come on how can I forget someone who loves pancakes and wrestling and old-" he was quickly cut off by the 19 year olds actions as she smashed her face gently on his.
"You- couldve-warned-me" he mumbled between their kisses. She teased him for a bit by giving him little kisses quickly pulling away when he tries to kiss back, his hand gripped her waist hinting for the lass to jump up, but she ignored the signal and spoke softly in her quirky accent "I have to go" she said trying not to make eye contact "now?" He huffed "yes, my plane is going anytime soon, I wish-" he cut her off with a quick kiss and tight hug "promise me you'll text me back once you land" she planted her face into his chest "I promise" the vibrations of her voice bouncing on his chest made him grunt a little bit.
"Australia, Brisbane to England, London ready to take off" the monitor screamed through the empty waiting area wrecking the moment between the loved up young wrestlers. "Shit I got to go" without a final hug she shot down the walk away with her bags disappearing. Out of his life.

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