Drugged: A Short Story

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    Hi, this is my first story so please don't hate me if you don't like it. Anyway on with this one-chaptered story.


There is so much pain and I don’t know how to not notice it, so I just let myself go, and the result of letting myself go is putting all those drugs into my body, and the result of that is getting caught, by the only people that actually care about me. I had told my parents it wasn’t bad, that it only messed with your brain for a few seconds. It was so addicting, I just didn’t know how to give up. I was currently in a dark chamber of their choice. Apparently, this prison wasn't the best. An officer had patted me down for any weapons, but he hadn't felt my little baggies. So, the voices of various men in here weren’t voices...not to me at least. I heard footsteps coming my way. Something hard tapped my cell door. I slowly looked up, waiting to see whoevers’ reaction to my pale, bag-eyed face. Most likely everyone had been informed to be careful with me. I never talked, I was always mute, but, there was a reason why and I really wanted a reaction out of this particular security guard standing in front of me, sizing me up, seeing if I was a challenge. He didn’t think so apparently because he grabbed the keys and opened the metal bar door separating me from him, then did something that he thought I hated, and couldn’t do anything about. He started taunting me. “So, you’re the big boy we’re supposed to be scared of, huh?” I held myself back knowing I was being tested. I lowered my head again. The black-haired man went on, seeing as I didn’t like it very much.” Oh I'm sorry,  did that offend you?” He made a pouty face. ”NO." My voice was hard, scratchy. I hadn’t used it for about three months. That’s how much time I’ve been here. It's all been torture. It’s even hard to remember why I was here, but I knew just why. His face – pure and utter anger, told me he hadn’t been expecting an answer and that they had told him all about me. Everything height, age, what happened two months ago, why I was here. Every other prisoner here looked at me surprised. They had only seen me write to them, as being in here I had to make a few friends. Butch, black haired man with tattoos all over his body, was almost like my brother, he was put in the cell on my right with Daryl. He talked to me every day, made sure I didn’t get picked on. Although, I stopped him one time at the cafeteria.                                                                                                               

                                                      *FLASHBACK*                                                                       Butch and I had entered the cafeteria. We got in line for our lunch, me in front of him. Abruptly, the black doors opened to reveal two officers and The man I had been about to confront looked at me amusedly. I cracked my knuckles and my neck from side to side. I stepped up, lowered my head, and out stretched my arms and parted my legs. By now, everyone had gathered. They were yelling," BOO!" I said,  " Come and get it." Butch looked at me as if I was crazy. The man was about to give me an uppercut, but I grabbed his arm instead and twisted it behind his back. He cried out in pain. My face, though, was blank.”Okay, okay, okay, I-I s-s-surrender! I won't bother him-ANYONE-ever again!” I left him there for a little while longer, until he was about to scream, then let him drop to the floor. His breath came out in short, heavy pants from the pressure of my arms being taken off. Butch looked in amazement from me to him then back at me. That was basically everyone's reaction. I asked the lunch lady politely for my plate and we both went to a table that contained the prisoners I was in a prison hall with. "Can we sit with you?" I had asked - whispered, actually - to them. A man, looked young, stood up. He put one leg over the bench then the other. He walked around the table over to me. He put his face right in front of mine with a glare so intense and mean, that if looks could kill, I would be dead under a hundred feet of dirt. My face was blank, no emotion could be read from it. Out of nowhere, a smile appears on his face while he shakes his head up and down. " Take a seat, both of you." I had expected him to say no. I returned his smile with a thankful one. Butch and I sat on the bench and started eating. " By the way, name's Dante, and you just took on Whippo." What a ridiculous name, I thought. Maybe he eats too much Whip Cream. " Dylan and this is Butch." He was a little on the fat side, But that day Dante explained everything from who I should stay away from to never accepting something one of them gives me. I had chuckled lightly. Apparently, he had once gotten a bomb as a prank from the genius, know-it-all Jed.

                                                 *END FLASHBACK*

  That day I met some real good people, who became my friends. I laid down on the metal bed and faced the wall, away from all their staring faces. “You know when people turn away from someone  else it means they’re weak bastards.” What he said made no sense. Maybe he’s stupid because he didn’t go to college. I thought. The toughest guy of all , Daryl, stood up warningly, hands at his side, leaning on the metal, gray bars. “ Don’t.” His voice was hard and effective. The stupid security guard looked at him. Daryl said yet again,” If you anger him, you anger me, then you anger all of us. And let me tell you, we can break out pretty quickly.” It wasn’t just a sentence, it was a warning. I smiled slightly at how they actually had my back. Thinking about it, I should show them I have their backs too. I rolled and turned, sat up, lifted my legs off the uncomfortable bed, and stood up. All through this the ‘officer’ had his back to me. Daryl made sure to distract him. For a guy who impersonated an actor, he was pretty good.  I walked past the metal door and a few inches behind him. I cracked my neck silently. I can’t remember how long ago I did this. Oh yeah, first day. I swiftly grabbed his arm, twisted it behind his back, and touched all of his pressure points in one movement before he ever had a chance to make noise. I knew anatomy would pay off. I bent down and patted him down to see where he had the keys. I finally found them in his pocket and grabbed them. I lifted them up and jiggled them happily while looking at everyone’s faces. Pure joy. I stepped over the uniformed man and went to Daryl and Butchs’ cell first. I found the right key and put it in the key hole. I twisted the key and heard a click. They stepped out while I did that to everyone else’s cells. Everyone either gave me a hug or a pat on the shoulder as we cheered for our freedom.  As we started to plan our escape I thought, I-no-WE are getting out of this hellhole. We just need to figure out how to blend in and not get caught for as long as we have to.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2013 ⏰

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