Part One

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"Hey, Lily!" I turned as I heard my best friend, Maxine, call to me from across the school parking lot.

"Yeah?" I said back.

"Are you going to the football game tonight?" She asked.

"Uh...yeah." I said looking down as she quickly jogged over to me.

"Oh good so you ca-- wait a minute... You don't even like football! Is it because your boyfriend, Brett Nielsen will be there?" She teased, giggling.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I said trying not to laugh.

"Well, you've had a crush on him for like, ever." She said. " You're going, right?"

"I want to, but I have no way to get there." I said.

"Isabelle can drive us." She said.

I had met Isabelle before, she was Maxine's older sister. She was sixteen and just got her drivers license two months before. Isabelle was nice but weird, she was super sensitive, and always said that her room was private and off limits.

"Okay." I said after thinking about it for a half a second.

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