Chapter I

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   Can you see it...? Thr girl's raspy breaths, her slow, jump heartbeat, the little signals flashing through her brain in an attempt to revive her dead nerves... I can see them all.
   I can see and sense the presence of these things all around me; after all, I'm in a hospital, so what else is there to see?

   After the accident, I woke up here, lying in a well-made white bed. Ive alway disliked that colour... As i lay there, my chest unmoving, I could hear a heartbeat, one that wasn't  my own.

   As I looked to the left I could see that the room I was in was shared. I couldn't see the person under the covers in the next bed, but I could  feel them in a sense, without even touching them. Focusing my thoughts to the person, I prodded with my mind.

   It was a girl...about ten or eleven years old. She'd been cuaght in a contruction accident after running from her mother during a walk. Her abdomen and part of her chest had been struck by a construction machine...and she'd gotten her head banged on something metal.

   Metal... That brought back unpleasant memories. The smell of metal as the sharpness of a blade plundged into my back, mixing with the scent of my own blood... My reality and my life disappeared on that day.

I suppose you  could  say its the day I started believing in the supernatural.

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