Why Me?

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Why Me?

Why would You honor me?
What in my past would qualify
What in my soul was ever worthy
to be called to witness majesty

To be sure
I was raised to respect
and honor God
But soon enough
my mind devised
wickedness that called and
dragged me through the mud

And so now
in later years
of my uninspired life
I haunt the ragged hillside
keeping my flock
and my thoughts

Until Your Angel appeared
In Bethlehem,
of all places
A town of nowhere
and nobodys

And yet I think I know why
You descended from on high
to arrive as the ancient text proscribes
In Bethlehem –
The Son of God!
To save all mankind

And I –
The chief of nobodys
And my brother shepherds rise
To follow Light
through dark of night
and eventually arrive
to see the babe
His smiling face
the gift for all mankind

Why Me?
Why would You honor me?
What in my past would qualify
What in my soul was ever worthy
to be called to witness majesty
To be sure
I was raised to respect
and honor God
But soon enough
my mind devised
wickedness that called and 
dragged me t...

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