A present just for you

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22 December, a freezing winter moring. The road was pilled up with white, soft snow and there's beautiful snowflakes falling down from the sky.

"Good morning, Hinata, Kageyama."said the old man with a kind face when he saw Hinata and Kageyama on their way to school. Hinata and Kageyama helped the old man to carry the heavy groceries he brought few weeks ago and somehow they became friends.

"Whoosh!" Before the old man could say anything else, a strong "wind" passed by him that makes him pulled up his scarf. He smiled and shook his head. "Here they go again, youth is such a wonderful thing." Hinata and Kageyama were racing to school again.

"Good morning! Have a nice day!" Both Kageyama and Hinata replied loudly, both of them hate to lose to each other. After a while, they reached the front gate of Karasuno High School but there's no sign of them slowing down. They raced into the school compound and uses their fastest speed to the volleyball court.

"Ha! I won again! And it's 35 wins and 33 loss for me!" Hinata won and slow down to catch his breathe.

" I will win you next time, dumbass!" Kageyama replied, also catching his breathe.

"I won't let you win! And don't call me dumbass!"

"Nope, dumbass"

"Hey! I said don't call me that!"

And there goes another round pf non-stop bickering unless someone stop them.

"Hinata, Kageyama, its freezing outside. Hurry up and come in! You guys will catch a cold if you don't come in soon" Sugawara, as in the team mom open the door and saw them bickering outside.

"Well isn't the idiot duo standing outside in the freezing weather just to bicker over some idiotic things?" Tsukishima reached and Yamaguchi was standing beside him.

"Shut up you! Who are you calling an idiot?!?" Kageyama replied angrily.

"I don't usually agree but this time I agree with Bakageyama." Said Hinata.

"Alright, you guys better stop that before Dachi gets mad" said Asahi sweat dripping.

Thinking of the scary atmosphere when Dachi, the team dad gets mad, they made the wisest choice in their life -- shut up.

The volleyball team had their morning practice before school starts as usual. The duo practice their freaking quick and Hinata keeps on yelling "One more! One more!" After the morning practice they went to class. Hinata tried to focus during his lessons but he can't help thinking that this was a special day and how would Kageyama react when he saw the present he had prepared for him. Will he like it? When should I give it to him?

Usually the team have their meeting after practice but today, its not a meeting, its a......

Birthday celebration for Kageyama.

MamaSuga gathers all the team memebers and PapaDachi made an announcement.

"Okay so today is 22 December and it is a special day. Its Kageyama's birthday. Happy birthday, Kageyama!"

The team cheered and wished Kageyama. Kageyama just sat there, shocked. He never thought of someone will actually remember his birthday and celebrate it. He's the selfish, arrogant King of the court that one day even his own teammates had enough of his bad personality. But now at Karasuno, his teammates changed who he was and cared for him.

"Oi, Bakageyama! Are you too happy that your soul just came out from your body?" Hinata mocked him.

"Shut it Hinata you dumbass!" He snapped back to reality and "roared" at Hinata.

Happy birthday, Kageyama!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora