Chapter 1 Claire: My Life

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"BZZZZ, BZZZZ, BZZZZ," my alarm rang. I closed my eyes tighter not wanting to get up, and with a groan I grabbed my phone turning off the annoying alarm while pulling my covers over my head. I knew I had to get up and get dressed for it was Monday, and I had school. I was accustomed to waking up at 5:00 I did this every day. I turned over and sat up. I did as I always do and took a nice long look around my room. I hated waking up in this bed.

This is not because I felt like it wasn't mine. It was the fact that I knew it was that haunted me. My bed was a large king sized bed that had a post that reached up at least eight feet and had all the fancy's of a bed you'd see in a princess movie. It was topped off with a metallic finished. I thought of it as a Cinderella bed, well if Cinderella was a robot. My room itself was the size of most peoples houses, but it was mostly empty; because, I did not like useless clutter, or being rich. I refused to use most of my room. I mean it was like jogging around a field or running a dash. JUST WALKING to the other side, and you could tell I wasn't going to dip the extra exercise by how dust had settled at a certain point in the middle of the floor. from that point on it looked like an abandoned part of the room that no one had used in months. Which was partly true.

I turned on my T.V. which was at least twice the size of the one you'd expect to see in the living room of a wealthy family. It was set to the news. I watched the news every day. It was on silent, but I could see that there was a reporter at a big park and he was discussing something. I unmuted the T.V. and found out the discussion was on something about massive ice slabs. There was a cut to the big chunks of ice. I found them interesting in the fact that one, we lived far south and never even got snow, and two they had fallen out the sky, but they were as big as people! My glance turned into a stare, and before I knew it, I was carefully studying the more block-like slabs of ice.

They seem to have a life of their own. I heard a soft bark and instantly my eyes cut to the foot of my bed. There was my dog midnight at the foot of the bed, and he was on all fours barking at the T.V. My eyes shot to the TV. The giant blocks of ice now looked more like statues. If I focused, I thought I could faintly make out what seemed to face.

There was a thud and let out a small scream as I hit the ground. "Did I fall," I thought as I pushed myself unto my feet. I was shocked at what I saw next. I looked around only to find out I was not in my bed, but I was in a big candlelit room. It was huge and kinda resembled an old ballroom. It was well kept and maintained. The strangest thing was the fact that candles lined the wall in clusters attached to intricate holsters and structures.

The room seemed strangely familiar. It was surprisingly bright to be lit by candles, almost too bright to be lit only by candles. I began to panic and started looking frantically around the room. Off to the far side of the gigantic room, there was a door. I shook off my dizziness and confusion and decided to head to the only thing that could possibly be an exit. I started out towards the door and instantly noticed I was extremely light headed.

The sudden rush of dizziness to me pushed me back a bit. I was dedicated to getting to the door. I eventually forced my legs to move. My body was surprisingly light, and the dizziness was replaced with a haze as my vision blurred. I somehow continued to head in the doors direction more lead by will and not thought. It didn't feel like I had any control over my body. Physically it was me willing my body in a direction. Soon the door began to get bigger as I got closer, and I started to notice just how strange this door was. It was the type of entry you'd see in a shrine or monument. The one that came in pairs. The pairs were around 20 feet tall and 10 feet wide each, made entirely out of a rock, and they had intricate carving and designs. I couldn't make them out. They looked like some foreign language. I also couldn't make out the region it was from. Slowly my hand began to rise, not on my own accord, reaching for the door. As my hand stretched out, I got closer. I couldn't stop myself if I wanted to.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2018 ⏰

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