Forgetting Smosh

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Ian was crossing the street. Anthony was on the other side of the street, waiting for Ian to hurry up, he was to busy playing on his phone. The light was red and there were no cars coming. Anthony was starving so he impatiently glanced down both sides of the streets. The street was empty. He sighed. But movement in his peripheral vision caught his attention. Naturally, he glanced to his right. He stared in horror. A black SUV was speeding down the street, and it didn't seem to be slowing down. And the worst part about it, it was on a collision course with Ian.

"Ian hurry the hell up!" Anthony yelled from across the street.

"I am, give me a sec-" Ian glanced to his right to see what was causing Anthony's worry. The SUV was 10 seconds away and Ian had no chance of getting out of there in time. So Anthony did something that any true friend would do. He ran into the street and pushed Ian out of the way, causing himself to get hit. It took Ian a minute to recuperate what had happened. He glanced at his friend who was lying in the middle of the street. He ran to his friend's aid.

"Anthony?! Anthony! Oh God some one call an ambulance!" Anthony grabbed his side and shakily stood up.

"No Ian, it's fine." He said, taking a couple steps before collapsing. Then, everything went black.

Anthony slowly opened his eyes. His vision was blurry and the blinding light above him didn't help. He couldn't remember anything. He sat there, trying to remember what happened. It hurt not being able to remember. As he regained his vision, he was able to see his location. As he sat up, he felt a stabbing pain in his side.

"Anthony, your finally awake." A voice said. He looked at the person who had just spoken. How does he know his name? Who was he? He knows this guy, but he couldn't remember his name. Ian. It was Ian. That's all he knew, that and that they were best friends.

"Ian, why am I in the hospital? And how come I can't remember anything?" He asked. Ian shrugged.

"You saved my life, a car was about to hit me and you pushed me out of the way and the car...hit you." Anthony sat there, in shook, how come he didn't remember that? Anthony was released from the hospital 3 days later. As he and Ian drove home on that rainy night, they drove past the street Anthony was hit on. They stopped at that same red light. Anthony looked out the window when it hit him. Ian was crossing the street and was almost killed by a speeding car, before he saved his life. As Anthony relived that event, he clenched his fist and held back the tears. Was he having a panic attack? Ian noticed his friend panicking. He had to say something.

"Do you have any ideas for the next video?" He asked.

"What video?"

"You know, the new Smosh video."

"What is Smosh?" Anthony asked. Ian's was dumbfounded. Ian was hurt that his best friend had not remembered what smosh was.

"Never mind." Ian said, focusing on driving. When they arrived at home, Anthony went straight to his room and fell asleep.

Anthony dreamed about him and Ian running around the park like kid and them going to vidcon and comic con. But those dreams where interrupted be thunder. Anthony sat up. He needed to clear his head. He grabbed his keys and hoodie. He walked out the door and winced at the pain in his side. As he reached the living room he stared at the couch. Ian must be sleeping in his room, Anthony thought to himself. But at that moment stuff started to come back to him. Him and Ian was sitting at the same couch, in front of a huge T.V. screen. They were playing halo reach.

"Damn it, how the hell did you win again?!" Anthony yelled, throwing his controller in the air.

"I guess I am that good." Ian said, with a cocky smile on his face.

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