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Senior year begins tomorrow. Yaay. I was being sarcastic if you couldn't tell. I can't wait for it to start; so it can be over. I got most of my credits last year so hopefully I have plenty of free periods to get away from these snakes I call classmates.
Everyone knows the rules: don't bother the loner girl. I don't who made the rule, but thank you.
Honestly there's nothing wrong with me but Queen Bee Krys told everyone I was infected or something, leaving me to fend for myself. Good thing I have gotten used to people abandoning me; now its just 24/7.
But maybe this year someone will decide to pity and befriend me.
But I dont get my hopes up.

After my alarm went off for the hundreth time, I turned it off and dragged myself to the bathroom to freshen up to go to Mick's hole; where all the stoners and drunks go to be in their own imaginary worlds. For some reason "Mick's" isnt owned by a guy named Mick, but by my classmate, Roger. Weird, I know. Maybe its so he doesnt get caught. Thats why we dont associate out of the hole; im not going to jail with him.
On the way over, I saw some teens from school with their friends laughing in a diner at a girl who slipped.
The girl who tripped her, Meg, has some nerve laughing when she doesnt even know her boyfriend is screwing her cousin. But she'll never know. Not my problem.

I pulled into the abandoned parking lot surrounding the hole and parked behind some trees with everyone else.
I walked to the abandoned store turned weed shop and knocked in a secret pattern everyone learned so if the cops showed up, some idiot wouldn't open the door.
Roger unlatched and opened the door, giving me a big, gappy smile.
"Hey Ara, there's a deal today. Show me some skin and you get three blunts free." Roger suggested.
"Dream on, jerkface." we laughed and I gave him a hug, even though he smelt like a hobo crapped on him.
I sat near the back after manuevuring through the crowd. In my ususal ripped up rocking chair, I layed back and smoked my first blunt of the day.

Blunts are my lifesaver. They let my mind wander. They set me free; from my problems, from the world, from everything. Yea, I never talk to the people getting wasted around me, but they are the best friends ive ever had. When I get wasted and act like a total retard, they hold my hair back so I dont get vomit in it. They drive me home. They're like family. Except I dont know their names, and they dont know mine. We just instantly protect each other; we have to be in this together. And im glad since i dont have this anywhere else, I have it here.

I stay there for most of the day until everyone starts leaving. Rule one of the hole: last one to stay helps clean up; of course you get a free blunt though. But no one wants to clean up vomit, so we zoom out of there like our lives depend on it.
I got back to my little apartment and threw myself on the bed. I know I have stuff to do, but that can wait till tomorrow I guess.
I connected my phone to my bluetooth speaker and played some music in the background while I fell asleep.
I woke up to my stupid alarm buzzing under my pillow. I tried to take a little nap but it wouldnt stop.
Reminder: get an actual alarm clock.
I looked at the time and I still had a whole two hours to get ready. I took a shiwer and brushed my teeth. Theres no point in doing my hair; no one notices anyway. I get in my black Ranger Rover and drive to school. No, im not rich. I used my college savings. Why go to actual college when you can go online? I know, thats stupid. But I dont believe in college.
I parked near the back exit for easy access.
I got my schedule in the mail; hopefully Queen Bee isnt in my classes like last year.
I got to first period and was happy to see most of the class was my 'friends' from the hole. Thanks, God.
I sat near the back by Roger and all the empty seats hopefully no one would fill. With my luck, some of Krys' friends have the class with me, but my 'friends'moved closer to me to avoid drama, but stayed spaced around.
The bell was about to ring when a boy ive never seen before ran in and dropped all of his papers across of the front of the room.
The bees laughed so hard their eyes shoukd have bulged out their sockets.
Poor kid;I was him once.
"Hey, squealing pigs, keep your kackling to yourselves." I confronted them, walking to the front to help him. Honestly, its not like in the movies where the loner girl is scared of the popular people. Its actually kinda the opposite. If I had to defend someone or myself, I had no filter. I cant just sit and watch someone be wmbarassed like the rest of these whimps in my school.
We picked up the rest of the papers and I handed him my little stack and sat back down. He sat in the middle of the class by himself, but closer to my side. Well, guess I might have a kid to protect from getting stung till he learns to fend for himself.
You know what, I think he'll be fine. A girl protecting him just makes the situation worst. Ill just help from afar.

First period was the death of me. Its the first day and we already have assignments. Ugh.
Then I had gym which was easy because I train every few days a week. No need to brag.
Then lunch, and free period. In the café, I sat at the end of a table with empty seats mostly by myself other than the occasional hi from
someone from the hole.
After a while, the boy from first period came in, and the hive started whispering.
Hive aka Krys and her friends, if you couldnt tell.
I had a feeling they were planning some evil, so I slowly walked in his direction incase they tried something. I made it toward him amd I could see the relief in his eyes when he saw me.
"Thank goodness. Im so glad to see you. Im Art." he gave me a bright toothy smile and lit up the room, blinding me. He put out his hand to shake but I didnt understand why he was so happy.
"Arabella, but call me Ara. Follow me." I shook his hand and led him to my table.
I sat and he looked at me with a questioning look.
As if me speaking snapped him back into reality, he shook his head and smiled a toothy smile.
"Oh, nothing. I was just thinking." he put his tray on the table then sat across from me.
I finished my sandwich and my tea.
As if I couldnt see him, he sent glances my way everytime he took a bite from his food. Thats definitely not weird. Sarcasm.
Tired of being watched, I hurried and threw my trash awayband headed to the door.
"Wait! Where you going?" he yelled after me.
I know I shoulnt just leave him here by himself, but he's staring into my soul. What else am I supposed to do?
He runs after me and grabs my arm. He kinda looked disapointed that I just left him by himself, a glint of sadness in his irises.
"Look, dude. I know your new and everything, but you gotta find your own way. I had to, so do you." I made him let go of me and walked around the school during free period.

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