Chapter 1

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Hi! So I don't usually write authors notes but...I wanted to let you guys know this is my first time writing my own story and constructive comments and tips are greatly appreciated! 

The gushing roar of the wind and quiet steady rhythm of the raindrops on her window had always been a source of comfort for her. Never had the moon seemed so bright and full as it did on that night. There on her bed the young girl sat silently, a cup of tea in one hand and a pad of paper in the other. A pencil tucked neatly behind her ear.

She was thankful enough it was the sound of thunder, not bombs.

"What are doing?" a voice peeped from behind the door. "Daydreaming at this hour when you could be sleeping. The days all gone, It's nearly 10:30! Can't you see the sky's pitch black! You have eyes, don't you? Perfectly fine working ones at that."

"I see it, I see it" The girl sighed with a laugh, "I'm awaiting inspiration. It often comes in those moments right before we lose consciousness to the void of sleep."

As the shadow drew closer out into the moonlight she revealed herself to be a girl, between the ages of 15 and 16, with a fair complexion and pleasing looks. Though if she knew it herself no one could tell. However, if such good graces were known to her they did not injure her vanity in any form.  

"What nonsense you speak! An inspiration for what? One of your books again?" 

"Something like that Martha." The Girl laughed. She tucked her golden brown locks behind her ear and kept on scribbling into the notepad.

 The silence between them went on for a matter of minutes. She then put down the pencil and looked up at Martha; who for some time had been staring at her in complete puzzlement.

"What is it? Goodness sake stop hovering, I can tell you have a question spit it out."

"It's just that, well, your books, you always start them and never finish them. Frankly, it's infuriating." Martha stuttered "I get all invested in the plot and you yank it away from me, they just need an ending that's all."

"That's the trouble though isn't it?" the girl laughed sadly, gently tracing the path of the raindrops down the window pane with her finger. "It has to end, everything has too, but not stories, they are eternal." She smiled to herself, "I used to pretend that the raindrops were racing down the window, and the wind was a crowd cheering them on. Haven't you ever done that Martha? Ever?"

Martha smiled, "Not since I was a kid, I've gotten on. Unlike you with your babble."

The girl sneered teasingly and returned to her notepad "Everyone else has but I haven't. I'm bored to tears and my tea, contrary to popular belief, isn't drowning my sorrows."

Martha shook her head with a small laugh, "When will you grow up Marion?"

The authoress closed her eyes and set her ear up against the window. "Listen," she sighed. A sigh to justify avoiding that ever nagging question, "Can you hear it?"

"I'm afraid I can't hear anything over the wind." Martha huffed, "Now common we've got class in the morning, we should have been asleep hours ago."

Marion sighed and set down the notepad hesitantly.

St. Johns orphanage was nothing special, it treated them fine, the food was edible and the beds were warm. It seemed on nights like these, that the small beds beckoned even more so than usual. Marion climbed in pulling the covers over her. 

Martha was on the brink of slumber when Marion's voice awoke her with a rude start. It wouldn't make much of a difference. She was sure to wake up from nightmares of guns and soldiers within the hour.

"Why couldn't we been in some other orphanage, you know one where something happens?" Marion moaned, setting down her book at her bedside table.

"What do you mean?" Martha mumbled drowsily. "Isn't the brink of war exciting enough for you?"

"I mean, think about all those wonderful stories like Oliver Twist and The Little Princess and Anne of Green Gables. Wouldn't you much rather be having the adventure of a lifetime like one of them?" Marion stated excitedly, "More than just waiting and reading about what troops moved where and what new names aren't coming home?" 

"The only excitement I need is you yacking in my ear every day, now go to sleep. And for God's sake turn the light off, you do enough reading in the daylight," Martha grumbled pulling the covers over her head and chucking the nearest pillow in Marion's direction. 

Marion sighed and turned over, turning out the light. "Goodnight Martha." 


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