Zeptune and Zuranus

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Our english teacher walked in to class one day and stuck a bunch of pictures on the white board.There was a one of a zebra, a bunch of kids running and a bunch of kids flying a kite.We were then told to write a short story about those pictures.The story didnt have to be focused on them.They just had to include them at one point.In result :Serendipity:Zeptune and Zuranus. Enjoy :DSorry for the grammar errors I hate the fact that wattpad doesnt corect them


   I am not a pessimist nor am I and optimist. What am I? I am simply a realist. Why see multicoloured when you can be like a zebra’s skin and see everything in black and white? Lives for zebras are not black and white regardless of their skin colour.To fully understand what I mean; listen to this story.

    What is it about? Just know it deals with two planets, a bunch of zebras and last but not least, Serendipity. Serendipity is  the aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident. Who would have thought that something like peace or a friendship could be found because of a stupid mistake and some unfortunate accidents?

   Our story starts here: The cold, harsh winds blew stronger than ever. No wonder no one lives there. Sorry wrong beginning, our story starts a little further away from Hoth (A planet from Star Wars :D)The cool wind blew through the grass. The tall zebra print parliament building stood with all its glory. Who would have thought, that such a commotion was going on inside.

 “The food should reach Zuranus first!” exclaimed their ruler Zach. “NO! NO! NO! The parliament building is here on Zeptune, so it should reach here first!” screamed Zacheem (Ruler of Zeptune) “Exactly, you have the parliament, so it is only fair, that we get the first share of the food.” challenged Zach.

      Okay, now you have met the rulers, let me introduce you to them properly. King Zach; 38, ruler of Zuranus also has a daughter who is 15. Zach is strict towards his daughter Zahliah and is very impulsive and rash. He stands at 13 human hands high, 15 when on his hind legs. Then, there is Zacheem, ruler of Zeptune. He has a son who is 17 named Zerimiah and is the more cautious of the two rulers. Their history runs a little deeper than some may think. Friends turned enemies; you could say their beliefs got in the way.

      “Can’t we all just admit that zebras are black with white stripes and you two be friends again.” said princess Zahliah. She always has something to say. She is the daughter of Zach .She isn’t your average princess, is quite sensible and majors in sarcasm.

      “Zebras are white with black stripes, my sweet princess” said Zerimiah. He is 17 and is also Zacheem's son. He is somewhat obnoxious and enjoys annoying Zahliah. “Flattery gets you know where my sweet prince.” said Zahliah mockingly. This occurs basically every day between those two. If you haven’t realised by now this is the little thing that ruined the friendship between the kings. No, am I in any way or form joking, something as simple and stupid as the colour of a zebra’s stripes is what ruined their friendship.

       “Control your daughter!” exclaimed Zacheem “When your son learns to keep to himself!” screamed Zach. “Okay, enough!” screamed Raleigha ,Queen of Shili.( She being the ruler of one of  main, most important food nations was in charge of the delivery of all cargo ships containing food going to anywhere from Shili). “Your Majesties, we have greater issues to deal with, so it would be greatly appreciated, if you two sent your off springs outside” she said. “Zahliah- “began Zach. “But Dad.” She whined cutting him off. “No buts he replied sternly.” With a sigh and a huff of annoyance she headed towards the door. “Zeri-”  began Zacheem “I know I am going .”replied Zerimiah cutting him off, following Zahliah out the door. “You know if your people just said that zebras are black with white- Black + white= grey, just saying. “Don’t you have a story too narrate?” asked Zach. Yeah what is to you? “Well narrate and don’t interfere.” chimed Zacheem.

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