The Invisible Murderer

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CHARACTERS :Ellie (Robert) Sparker: A Harvard physicist and world's only government official Treasure Hunter. Jack Frost: Once a curator at the Louvre Museum, now an accountant in UN headquarters.He and Ellie are flatmatesCharles Gardner: A NYC police inspector and a friend of Ellie and Jack.Mr. Sauniere: The curator of National MuseumMr. Eaton: The CCTV boy at the National MuseumNOTE:The Imperial Faberge eggs are lost Scottish treasure of eighteenth century.SCENE 1: a small flat room, a furnace, a table, mirror, few odd looking stuff and two sofas placed face to face on an old carpet. Jack sits on one sofa and Ellie sits on the other with his legs on it, having tea. Jack: Why aren't you drinking? Ellie: I'm BORED! (Then he takes his laptop from the table and opens it to check his mails ) Jack: What is it? (noticing his expression) Ellie: Oh! I have got something interesting. (sarcastically, then he reads an mail) Dear Mr. Sparker, I am writing to you for a great emergency. Only you can save me. I am not able to sleep for last few days. I feel I am visited by ghosts. My wife died forty years ago. We went to see a rally and she disappeared from there. Her body was never recovered. I want you to investigate as you have a very 'keen investigative mind'. I have sent you a photo of her from that day. From Mr. Dean Whitaker. (then he turns the screen and shows a photo of a blonde woman standing in a crowd) Jack: Well, you must take the case. (he laughs, Ellie gives him a dirty look)I forgot to tell you that Gardner called when you were in the shower. He has asked you to come to the National Museum. Ellie: (stands up enthusiastically and closes button of his coat) Let's go then. Hope they have something interesting case this time. (Ellie leaves the scene and Jack follows him) SCENE 2:Inside the staff washroom of National Museum. Jack and Ellie are accompanied by Gardner. Ellie: How did it happen? Gardner: what? Ellie: You called me to the museum then you directly bring me to the staff washroom secured by a perimeter, so obviously some staff member has been murdered or it's a suicide. Now tell me fast how did it happen? Gardner: It's the security boy. He came here to take a bath. He was stabbed in the waist or more precisely he stabbed himself because no one was in the washroom at that time and it was locked from inside. The curator discovered his body.( he points at an old man standing at one end of the room) (They enter the bathroom where the dead body was lying naked on the floor) Ellie: (kneeling and examining the body) he has been stabbed very cleanly..... Gardner, did u find any suicide note or any dark past of his??? Gardner: Till now, none. Ellie: (stands up, and beats his head three times) Gardner, Ah....could you please bring me his clothes? Jack: His clothes?? For what? Ellie: .Just do as I say Gardener: (nods his head) Bring me the suspect's clothes!! (A police officer brings the security boy's clothes and hands them to Gardner and Ellie takes them from him and searches impatiently) Jack: What are you looking for? Ellie: This (he holds a part of the uniform that's been cut) He's been stabbed with clothes on. If it were a suicide he could not have opened them after he stabbed himself, so clearly he's been murdered. Gardner: But why would the murderer open his clothes??? And if there was someone else here where would he go? There's no way out. Did he just vanish? Ellie: (looks down towards the body) Jack call Harvard and say I will not be able to come. Oh! it's gonna be interesting. (then walks away) Jack: Wait....what? I don't know what do you think of me, but I have my own work. It's a murder. It's none of our business. I need to go to work and you too. You are a treasure hunter. Ellie: Jack, for me any quest to an answer to some question is a treasure hunt, be it science or a murder. Now don't be the drama queen and come with me. (Ellie exits and Jack follows him) SCENE 3: National Museum Control Room. Ellie and Jack enter the scene and approach a man sitting in front of the computer scene. Ellie: So you got nothing? Did anyone else enter the washroom at that time? CCTV boy: No I have checked it a lot of times but no one was in the washroom then nor did anyone enter. Ellie: Ok, play me the footage of the entrance at the time of the murder. (the boys nods and turns on the footage. Ellie takes a look at the screen and examines everybody who's come in. Suddenly, Gardner comes running in the rooms and leans against a wall sweating) Gardner: There's been another one, guys (he shows a photo of a nude dead man lying on his bed) same way of murder-by stabbing in the waist. The only difference is that he was murdered in his flat bedroom. All the doors and windows were locked from inside. I have already checked, his clothes were pierced too It is the 23rd floor, the murdered could not have jumped. So what do you think now Ellie? Ellie: (thinks for a second and then says) Any relation between the two? Gardner: Most likely not. Jack: Any criminal records? Gardner: That's the question I have been waiting for. Yes, he has got a record. Last year he was convicted of smuggling something. I handled his case. The thing was recovered later from him. Ellie: What thing? Gardner: "The Imperial Faberge Eggs" Eggs" Ellie: (Ellie's expression changes, he's shocked. Then he looks away towards the computer screen and suddenly screams) STOP! (the CCTV boy understands, and pauses the footage) ZOOM IN! (he zooms the still, and a photo of a blonde woman appears on the screen) Jack: Jesus Christ! That can't happen! Gardner: What is it? what's so special in the woman? Jack: Ellie, I don't understand. That woman was supposed to be dead forty years ago! Ellie: Just shut up! (he closes his eyes and thinks to himself) the woman, how can she be alive...two men murdered- one security guard and one smuggler ...... the artifact..... what if the murderer is after it....... (then he asks Gardner) Give me your phone quickly( Gardner takes out his phone and hands it to Ellie) Jack: What are you searching for? Ellie: (points the phone screen towards the Jack) The artifact was handed to the National museum after recovery. (then he again closes his eyes and talks to himself)to possess something or better steal... first you remove the security.... Then the person who had it or smuggled it... and then you remove the person who currently possess it.... (he opens his eyes and walks to the CCTV boy and asks him) Is there any artifact that is not kept in display? CCTV boy: Only the ones that are not yet approved by the government. The curator keeps them. Ellie: Oh no! Where is the curator? Gardner: He went to his room. He said he was feeling sick. Ellie: Run, quick! He's going to get murdered. (The three of the run out of the scene) SCENE 3: The three men enter the scene of a corridor running. Then they knock the door. Gardner: Mr. Sauniere, please open the door! Jack: Open the DOOR! Ellie: Open the door, we believe your life is in danger. Sauniere: (laughs) It always is, if you have to look after such priceless artifacts your life will always be in danger. Ellie: Don't be a fool, whoever is after your life can get in there and kill you, just like your guardsman. Let us help you. Sauniere: Ah! The Invisible Murderer! You cannot save me. If you can, solve the case then. Jack: Open the door, it is not the time for games.(Ellie steps back from the door) Sauniere: Mr. Frost ask your friend how were the two people murdered, only then will I open the door. Gardner: (to Ellie) Solve it (Ellie gives him a confused look) Solve the case. Ellie: I could not few minutes ago, why now? Gardner: Because now it's necessary. Ellie: I don't know, um..... Jack: You stop it. You are not a puzzle solve, you never were, you are a Drama Queen. You wanted a interesting case, now here's a case, The game is on. Solve it. Ellie: (Unconciously nods, then he close his eyes and place his index fingers on each side of his head and again starts to talk to himself) The woman.... how can that happen.... kick the woman out of your mind... two people already murdered... by the same person....for getting some priceless artifact... the murderer vanished out of the room.. well that's clearly not what happened, it's something else.....two people murdered in a closed room.....both were found naked.... Why did the murderer open their clothes..... but there was... no one in there...they must have opened their clothes themselves....but they were stabbed with clothes they died after they removed the clothes..........( then he opens his eyes and turns to Gardner) The smuggler.....ah...was he wearing..... a belt? Gardner: I guess so. Ellie: (knocks the door) I have solved the case, now open the door. Sauniere: Tell me, how will he kill me? Ellie: I believe you have already been killed several hours ago. Jack: What!? Ellie: You have been stabbed several hours ago, your belt is what is keeping you alive. (then he turns to Gardner) the murderer used some long pointed nail, applied some poison on it and cleanly stabbed them in their belt... now the tight belts hold the body together and does'nt allow the poison to flow but the moment you open the belt, you die. (Gardner and Jack nod their head ) Sauniere: Then I believe I am long dead. Thanks for what you did for me . I shall die in peace. Jack: No wait we can help you. They could surely do something. Ellie: Don't worry we've already called 911. You come out, we made a deal. Gardner: Step aside guys, I think I will need to break open the door. (Gardner prepares to break the door but the door opens itself and Sauniere comes out ) Scene 4: The same flatroom,in the evening Ellie sits on one sofa when Jack enters the scene Jack: Busy day, was it? Ellie: Don't say. Jack: I am happy that we saved the curator. Ellie: And the "The Imperial Fabreche Eggs " too. Jack: One thing I could'nt understand. Who was that woman? Ellie: Ah! You have come to the correct question. So, what do you think- who was it? Jack: Umm... daughter of the woman you showed me the photograph today . Ellie: What?! It's never the mothers or daughters. Jack: You mean you believe it's a ghost?! Ellie: No, I never said that.. (suddenly the bell rings) Why don't you find out yourself? (Jacks goes and opens the door- The CCTV boy and a blonde woman enter the scene) Jack: (shocked looking at the woman)You?!... (turns to Ellie) Ellie, what is she doing here ? Ellie: I invited her ( he stand up) come sit (the two of them sit down) Jack, may I introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Eaton. Jack: (still surprised asks the CCTV boy) This is your wife? CCTV boy: yeah, I was surprised at the first place when you acted like that seeing her. Jack: I don't understand anything. Ellie would you please explain me what's happening? Ellie: Sure, first to start with her, she's the same woman from the photo and Mr. Eaton who is better known to us as Mr. Dean Whittaker or the Invisible murderer..... CCTV boy: I don't understand. What do you mean? Ellie: The only person who always stays inside a building but does not appear on the screen- the CCTV boy. First you sent me the that email to distract me... then you stabbed the three of them... you yourself asked your wife to come to the museum and I also to pick up the uniforms from laundry. All these would clearly make your wife appear as the criminal but you made a mistake. You faked the image and sent it to me but there was a problem in it. ( he brings the photograph out of his pocket and points to an army officer) The symbol of arrow in his uniform was launched just last year then how can the photo be forty years older? ( suddenly Gardner enters the scene, ellie looking at Gardner) Inspector, just in time, I guess you will need to make an arrest. ( the woman starts crying . The CCTV boy tries to run but is caught by Gardner) CCTV boy: I should have just killed him. I should not have tried to be clever.( Gardner takes him away from the scene ) Ellie: Don't cry, he was never your husband- he was just a fake. ( the woman still cries) I am sorry, I am really sorry. ( Jacks pats Ellie's back) THE END

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